Are you a good trader?


a lot of people becomes successful and becomes rich with trading in forex , so what is the qualities that makes them different , are they use experts or manual trading or indicators ,

what do u think ??


I really think it has everything to do with the psychology and being a disciplined trader. Anybody can get lucky and make a few good trades, but only the best traders are able to stick with their strategies and maintain consistent profits. It is as much not depleting your account as it is making good trades.

In short, it has everything to do with finding a strategy that you trust and sticking with it.


All you ned to know is how much are you risking - but that is not as easy as it seems to know

a lot of people becomes successful and becomes rich with trading in forex , so what is the qualities that makes them different , are they use experts or manual trading or indicators , what do u think ??


I would suggest that with a comment like this "a lot of people becomes successful and becomes rich with trading in forex"means you are heading down the wrong path to successful trading. If it was easy everyone would be successful at it and unfortunately statistics proves that not to be the case. Trading is not a get rich quick scheme its about consistancy by using good money mangement and knowing when to hold knowing when to fold as the old saying goes.

Regrads CJA


some people say i'm good at it

a lot of people becomes successful and becomes rich with trading in forex , so what is the qualities that makes them different , are they use experts or manual trading or indicators , what do u think ??

There may be several reasons.Of course Luck sometimes work in forex . But the main reasons are correct mind set & disciplined behavior with good money management. These things will separate successful traders with others. Any one may see these qualities as easy ones. But when it comes to real trading not.

a lot of people becomes successful and becomes rich with trading in forex , so what is the qualities that makes them different , are they use experts or manual trading or indicators , what do u think ??

Yes I am a good trader but I cannot say that I am successful right now...Hmmmm..let us just say that I will be successful someday hahahha.... well, if you want to be a good trader then you must be a determined trader and focus on how you can make money in a good way.


If you do not blow up your account then you are good

a lot of people becomes successful and becomes rich with trading in forex , so what is the qualities that makes them different , are they use experts or manual trading or indicators , what do u think ??

its hard to answe the question, i mean i mayne earning from forex and i have been trading with a broker called hotforex for almost two years now, but deep inside i think im still not good enough, i still make mistakes, there are lots of things that i dont understand yet, simple indicators that i bypass etc, so maybe someday when i master the forex market i might be good enough to say that im good


not that easy, watch the movie limitless (youtube or imdb) , the reality is just reverse

just like breaking into the safe of big bank(make day trade winning), forex is that hard -- seems that the market will only release a few moment daily for you to win money

the only way that I can think of , you have 20x -- to be spared on your 1 short position and bet like old people with relatives in australia, europe etc -- then you could have a slim chance to wait for your chance to CASH IN


Alex--------------I think its really difficult to justify myself. Like you i am also a trader and its really difficult for me. I think i am a not a god trader yet because i cant earn profit in row. But i earn some money usually.

So i think a god trader can earn profit in a row. When i can do this then i will think that i am a god one.