We use Bitcoin ;) - page 14


Shrem is a CEO at Bitcoin

Do we need more?


shrem them to feces!

Shrem is a CEO at Bitcoin Do we need more?

It seems that without any real regulations bitcoin is doomed to be used in that way. Money laundering has always been attractive to some big retail sellers too - as long as fools do not get suckered into the bitcoin scheme let them try to fool each other


That is a simple bubble - and now when the CEO is looking for the ways to make some extra money looks like he knows that the end is closer than it seems for an outsiders


Bitcoin Price Plunges as Mt. Gox Exchange Halts Activity

Bitcoin plunged more than 8 percent today after a Tokyo-based exchange halted withdrawals of the digital currency, citing technical malfunction.

Mt. Gox, a popular exchange for dollar-based trades, said in a blog post it needed to “temporarily pause on all withdrawal requests to obtain a clear technical view of the currency processes.” It promised an “update” -- not a reopening -- on Monday, Feb. 10, Japan time.

Yesterday, the Russian prosecutor general said in a statement on its website that after a meeting with the central bank, the Federal Security Service and Interior Ministry, it had concluded Bitcoin and other digital currencies are illegal under current law.

“Russia’s official currency is the ruble,” according to the statement. “The introduction of other currencies and the issue of money surrogates are banned.”

Calls to the Russian prosecutor’s press office in Moscow after hours went unanswered.

The report gained wider circulation on Twitter Inc.’s service today after RT.com, a Russian state broadcaster, published an English-language article on the action.

The price of Bitcoin was down more than 6.5 percent to $732.40 at 3:09 p.m. New York time, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, which averages prices from exchanges including Mt. Gox. The price had fallen more than 8 percent at 8:23 a.m.

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They (Russia) just don't want to play that game (already been played many times...Ponzi) any more...


Seems that the doors for money laundering are getting closed slowly. Or else I will make my own "currency" too


Russia & China vs. USA ...interesting

Seems that the doors for money laundering are getting closed slowly. Or else I will make my own "currency" too
Russia & China vs. USA ...interesting

My opinion is based on gut feeling, but I think that this was kept open to allow some people to launder their money. The minute they finish what they wanted to do, the doors of bitcoin will be closed (since there is no foundation for such an atrocity at all - see how banks like JP Morgan and similar were "making plans" to do the same thing) It would be the same as if every street had its own currency - and that would bring us to the time when shells and pebbles were used as money


Bitcoin plunges after marketplace indefinitely halts withdrawals

he price of the digital currency bitcoin slid to its lowest level in nearly two months on Monday after bitcoin digital marketplace Mt. Gox said a halt on withdrawals it announced on Friday would continue indefinitely after it detected "unusual activity."

The bitcoin price varied dramatically from one exchange to another, with Tokyo-based Mt. Gox, the best known operator of a bitcoin digital marketplace, recording one of the biggest drops for the day.

On the Mt. Gox platform the currency plunged to as low as $500 early on Monday, down more than 27 percent from Friday's final price of $692, according to the Mt. Gox website. It last traded at $595.74, off nearly 14 percent from Friday.

"This technical issue is of a much larger intensity than we've seen in the past," said Sebastien Galy, currency strategist at Societe Generale in New York. "The market may be realizing that there are issues which are specific to these forms of currencies."

The bitcoin in recent months started to gain wider acceptance, with Overstock.com and the Sacramento Kings basketball team both saying they would begin to accept the currency.

More recently, the digital currency has drawn increased scrutiny. New York state's top bank regulator in late January revealed plans to regulate businesses handling transactions in bitcoin this year.

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