How we Earn good profit small risk.. - page 3


Are you making profits with your small capital?

Probably, most of you guys here gain profits from your small amount of capital. What I like most in this business is there is no restriction in making profits as long as we didn't violate the rules.


What makes you profitable?

Well, I got consistent profits because of my hard work. I am not fond of using any EA because I simply don't trust them.


Are you making profits with your small capital?

Probably, most of you guys here gain profits from your small amount of capital. What I like most in this business is there is no restriction in making profits as long as we didn't violate the rules.


We must minimize the risk in forex trading if we want to get maximal result in forex trading. We must have good money management and we also must improve our trading skills too to get more maximal result here.


I agree with that. But with small skill I face lots of problems. I need more accurate information for trading. Please help me.

I agree with that. But with small skill I face lots of problems. I need more accurate information for trading. Please help me.

small skill, means you already had proper knowledge but lack of practice . reconsider your profit target, make it reasonable. this should be also ridden the risk at lower base, instead of profit hunting you may need to focusing on risk management. l learn those fact while having my armada markets account linked with myfbook autotrade feature. instead of reading many trading resource, learn and observe expert trader activity would be much more helpfull.


Proper risk management is really important for FX Trading and people can make good profits with use of risk management techniques, because it is not possible for every trader to make some good profits on consistent basis, somehow or the other they will face some losses as well, so its better to have risk management techniques.


By having luck ... or already being rich

Having luck is much rarer than being rich. Good luck


Allow small risk is very dangerous in Forex. Because there is a proverb that, No risk no gain........... So i recommended that take some risk with your money.... then you will success......


Of course there is risk. The idea, if you are cautious, is to minimize it.