Forex trading is biggest gift of internet

Internet technology have rewarded us with many gifts like online social sites, online banking, blogs etc. but forex trading is biggest gift internet have rewarded us with in my view. Because many people takes it as a job

for them .


Before forex I had no use of internet which can give me benefit. I tried many online business but they were not paying for me. It is really a big gift of internet world. People can avail there free time to get earning. it gives them income as per they are doing hard work on it.


Same could be with online gambling - it could give you profit too, if you are lucky.

We see that the number of online forex traders is smaller by the day not greater. It can be because of the middle class income crisis or it could be simply because people had too much bad experiences (some are their own fault - not learning enough, and some are not - some things done by brokers) but the glitter of forex is passing.


Yeah, this is absolutely right that the Forex Trading is the biggest gift of Internet. We can trade in as many currencies as we like through Online Forex Trading. And in Forex Trading, I highly recommend the EAs Robot for gaining regular profit. Thanks


Spoken like people who do not trade. Forex is not a gift of anywhere, it is a financial market and it is for professional traders. Just because you have access to it does not mean it is right for you. Most traders will fail, its a historic fact.


As an experienced trader for a few years, I advise our members. Do not be hasty to win back your Money. The ever so changing dynamic 24 hour trading makes forex so beautiful.


Yes, you are correct. But reality is different. Forex trading would be a nice gift to you if you learn this market and would able to earn on consistent basis. If you would able to do that then Forex would be wonderful gift to you. If not then Forex would also be a nightmare to you.

Master Forex IB:
Before forex I had no use of internet which can give me benefit. I tried many online business but they were not paying for me. It is really a big gift of internet world. People can avail there free time to get earning. it gives them income as per they are doing hard work on it.

Yes of course from Forex we can earn good income and it is also become the source of income for many traders. The more we work hard in Forex the more successful we will be.


Yeah, Forex is one of the best gift for the people who want to lose money and for who want to earn money! To earn you should have to lose too!

Don't worry, losing will not be continued with you a long time from start! Thanks


Forex online trading was not invented to be a gift to people but to take money from them. Thinking differently is a huge mistake that can lead you into disastrous trading results


It is not only a gift from Internet but also the bless for all the online loving people!! We all the people (who are wining) are glad to meet the FOREX, and the other people (WHO ARE LOSING) are not faithful about this!
