Follow your trading plan. - page 3


What would "more maximal" mean?

reading your post and all I see is a spamm. Do you have a trading plan at all?

What would "more maximal" mean? reading your post and all I see is a spamm. Do you have a trading plan at all?

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As a atrader, we must have trading plan. I also have it to make my trading result in be more maximal. Beside that, trader also must learn from trading experience and try to more improve trading skills so we we will get more maximal result.


Trading plan is very important for trader, it could make sure the trading not affected by noise, but firstly, you should have a good trading plan.


Trading plan is necessary for trader. The trading plan will make sure your mind calm during trading, especially drastic fluctuation of market.


I mostly trade with my own rules. I hear from others about trade, but I do my own trading. The most important part of my trading is patience and market results.


I always believe my own thinking. Because I know that if I take any decision that will be help for my business today or tomorrow. So, I follow on my plan.

Faizan Khan:
I mostly trade with my own rules. I hear from others about trade, but I do my own trading. The most important part of my trading is patience and market results.

That's great thinking. I like it.

Faizan Khan:
I mostly trade with my own rules. I hear from others about trade, but I do my own trading. The most important part of my trading is patience and market results.

Own trading system is the best - we should not be sheep but traders


We assume that all have a trading plan

"Becoming rich" is not a trading plan and that is why most of the traders fail. Lack of determination to learn and to build a real trading plan is the main cause why a lot of people does not have what to follow