WARREN BUFFETT: 'We Are Buying Stocks Now'


Legendary investor Warren Buffett is co-hosting Squawk Box on CNBC this morning.

One of the big headlines so far from the interview: Buffett says he's buying stocks.

Buffett: We are buying stocks now. We're buying them not because we think they're going to go up, but because we're getting good value.

With regard to the Fed and its ballooning balance sheet, Buffett told CNBC, "I think it will be interesting when they get to the unwinding stage."

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Moving the market without using money - enough to talk (when your name is Buffet) : first you tell that 24 billion $ is not enough, and then you tell that you are buying stocks. And then you tell : "Yes, it is more than 24 billion now"


That is why he is where he is : using every trick in the book (that has not yet been written too) He is aware that by now he is a market mover and he uses that all the time for the last couple of years

Moving the market without using money - enough to talk (when your name is Buffet) : first you tell that 24 billion $ is not enough, and then you tell that you are buying stocks. And then you tell : "Yes, it is more than 24 billion now"