Is forex helping you to improve your life style? - page 4


Yes! Certainly indeed! it helps me to improve more in trading forex and be one of the professional traders.


Does forex help us to develop our abilities for other online businesses?

Does forex help us to develop our abilities for other online businesses?


Any profession can change our lives, when you put your passion on it and believe that you will succeed.

Yes i believe that Forex can definitely change lives. In my personal experience, Forex has change my life no only financially but personally and emotionally, It helps me to get more responsible in life.

I love Forex and it will be my profession in life.


A lot. It is a process of learning and earning.


We are learning the right approach that we can use in some other aspects.


Right there are a lot of goodways that we are applying in forex trading that are also helpful and useful when applied to our daily life aspects.Money management alone if we have a poor money management whether in forex trading or in our daily life its hard for us to live life for those following days untill we had earned our money again.Forex i know will improve my life style not that in a quick span of time but with continous learning it will.


Not yet! It is a lot of work learning and observing the markets. But in the end I hope to make a living out of it and trade only a couple of hours a day!


Why of course. Especially for the 95%


I lost weight while gaining muscles, quit smoking and drinking. My sex drive is OFF! the chart! and my humorrhoids are killing me.....

I lost weight while gaining muscles, quit smoking and drinking. My sex drive is OFF! the chart! and my humorrhoids are killing me.....

Logarithmic scale charts ? :):)