Is forex helping you to improve your life style? - page 2

I think when people gets rich from forex there lifestyle changed. They start to go at rich places like 5 star hotels and restaurants and going on vacations and buying their own property having cars. What do you think?

I know a person who owns two jetplanes and a hired 30year old female pilot, owns an airpark (house with runway), owns a penthouse in a tall building, owns a house next to taylor swift & also a house on top of his own private hill and averages multi-millions a year. All from FX.


that person is a broker

that person is a broker

Nope, He is an ex-cop, ex-marine and learnt stocks in the army from someone, then ex-stocktrader and now he is a fx trader. Trading now from over 12 years. He is also a member of tsd, but i don't want to state his username for his privacy.


Yes. Forex trading is helping me to develop my lifestyle. I wanted to earn money. Because i needed money for my living. But now i am very happy. Because i can earn much money by challenging some other to compete in a 1on1 or in a tournament games from forex trading. So that i can fullfil my dreams.


Forex trading is beneficial to earn more money if traders have good knowledge and experience. They should have the ability to control the emotions.

yes...I just made $572 in 1 minute:)

Wow how did you make that.. So far i have been able to make $50 in 15 minutes but $572 in 1 minute!! Well i guess you might be joking mate. Anyway what platform you use to play forex contest. I actually use Trade1on1 and it is a great site to take part in forex contest.

To have some extra money from it. Beside of my current job.

yup, you're right! Forex will help you to have some extra money or if you want you can save your profit in forex for your future use. That will be a big help for your self.


Well the extra money is always nice. Forex has given me the chance to make me become productive in my free time and has given me the opportunity to make extra money for my family.


It has made me financially free and independent.


Yes Forex help us to improve our life style but it is possible when we are making profit for this business,No doubt Forex is high percentage earning business we become rich man in short time.