Is forex easy way to earn? - page 18


Well, I think that the answer is exactly within your question)) New traders say it is hard, whereas experienced traders say it is simple) So the conslusion is that it is hard way from the very beginning and it takes much efforts to make trading easy. Of course you won't make enormous money in several months. This way is a marathon, not a sprint. Until you become experienced successful trader, it can take years to learn how to master your trading, and this is quite normal. Those who are successful are filterred from those who give up facing difficulties, and that's all thesecret

Ray Cooper:
At present Forex is considered as a most profitable business where many people are joining very rapidly due to having many life changing opportunities. In addition, this is a business platform which can kick off at any place in the world with a little amount. Especially young generation is very much attractive for this trading platform. In my trading life,

I will say that Forex trading as given me an opportunity that i could not have got otherwise in any other business and this is why i am doing this business.


Now Forex has become a buzz word in the present world. Currently, almost all sectors of the people especially the young generation are joining this business at rapidly. I am one of them. Actually, I almost passed some steps in Forex with having a great support of MxTrade. This platform taught me the advantage of Forex and why the people are joining very swiftly by providing Free Forex beginners course. Now I am totally addicted to earn money by Forex.


Spammers ... they are like a disease


It's not easy. Might get easy, but in the beginning it's gonna get you some grey or white hairs.

It's not easy. Might get easy, but in the beginning it's gonna get you some grey or white hairs.

When in the start of my trades i saw that i could easily get a Margin call in my trading and only then after much practice i was able to overcome it

Isabelle Watson:
When in the start of my trades i saw that i could easily get a Margin call in my trading and only then after much practice i was able to overcome it

Mind sharing how?

Or some trading statements?

It is hard to earn how to trade with good profit but it is helpful to know it

Yes i know that if we have to earn a good income from the trading then our trades must be such that they are not only profitable but using then we can earn good money also.


You can call forex easy IF

you can teach 100 out of 100 senior people (over 60years old & which never used a PC before)

to trade Forex profitable in 1 Week,

lol it will not happen


Not easy in start but once you get going, you can make good money from trading. It will take time, if you practice hard, you can become a good money making forex trader in 2 to 3 years.