Is forex easy way to earn? - page 15


The short answer - no.

The short answer - no.

Or even shorter : "-"


No one has the capability to stop loss fully in this market place. But, taking some major steps, it can be reduced sometimes. And, it is idly true that, without being a knowledgeable trader, it is very difficult to reduce loss. Last week, I did huge loss during new trading..


It is not easy source to earn money at all. . Because, there is nobody who be capable of predict the real faction of this market with certainly. But, in spite of having too much difficulty my trading life is very comfort and profitable.


Actually, there is nobody who can predict the real faction of this market with certainly. So, it is very difficult to get success from this volatile trading place in a short time. But, if you have most powerful analyzing trade knowledge, then it can be possible to acquire achievement in a diminutive time. so, I am very much dedicated to acquire accurate trading knowledge with support of Mxtrade. due to having exclusive educational facilities I have decided to trade in this EU regulated trading broker. from all these, I like most Forex eBook where I am getting successful trading tips with essential terms and conditions.


It can be easy if you can receive insider's tips from major institutions. Bloomberg reported that people used insider's tips to make easy profits. For example, if you know Apple is about to exchange messive amount of EUR they earned from Europe areas into USD to bring the profit to U.S., you don't bet against USD during that day. People even sold that information! Also, it's known Fed decision was leaked before offical release. It's under investigation.


"It can be easy if you can receive insider's tips from major institutions."

That is the only way, Otherwise they will get you sooner or later


We the traders in particularly the newcomers consider Forex as an easy source to earn and they are willing to earn profit without learning. But, practically, almost 90% traders have been failing from this trading place.


It is very/extremly difficult, why i figured out with time:

In short words there are multiple points of failure which must avoided all.

If one of them gets true you cant make money:

1.the system is not profitable in longterms

2.the money management is not suitable to the strategy

3.the psychology of fear hits in, to not follow the trading system

4. the Broker untrustworthy, Buketshops still exist today.

1-3 have some type of dependency*, which makes it so difficult to make money.

*(which produces a huge amount of possibillities)

I for my self have 2 and 4 solved but i am still searching for a system that fits my psychology.

I can't just trade a system which i have no trust in. I can trust it only if i have a proof that its profitable

and the reason why is also important to me.

So at the moment i work on 1 again


Of course it is

And we all are billionaires