Is forex easy way to earn? - page 13


It is : pay Buffet's news selling company and Reuters and you will always make money


I read over 10 page, it is easy but...

so I will play the combobreaker card

can anyone show some proofs with a realmoney myfxbooks link?

If not, do not talk all the time that it is easy. ;-)

For me i have no proof, so i will not say its easy until i have.

In fact i experienced the often so called mental issues which newbies ignore when they start.

I am not a newbie anymore but not profitable at the moment.


Generally, Countless statistics shows that almost 90% traders are failing in this marketplace because of having so much complexity. So, it is not the source to earn money easily and it is idly true that there is nobody who can predict the real movement of market with certainly. So it is easily consider that it not be an easy source to earn money. Although, it is very convoluted business spot but my trading platform MxTrade makes me Forex easy by supplying huge educational facilities. Especially, Forex tutorial video and Forex eBook taught me the most accurate analyzing trading knowledge that’s why I become a knowledgeable trade. Here, I taught traders psychology and behavior with essential concepts and terms. I also received successful trading tips from there that I use my live account.


Why of course. Pay some money and enjoy the ride ....


It can the easy source for earning money, if you have good trading knowledge. From first day of my trading, I have been trying to incease my trading knowledge by using many kinds of didactic books. And, from all books, I like most Forex eBook which taught me the trader’s psychology and the behavior with essential terms and concepts that was very effective to become a professional trader very rapidly. From here, I have also gathered the most successful trading tips that I am using in my trading strategy for making profit constancy. Therefore, this didactic book also is providing me the proper time of trading with indispensable stipulations and surroundings.


its a case to case basis, easy to start yet challenging to maintian, thats forex.


Currently, Forex is measured as a most lucrative business platform in the current world. And, it is idly true, in spite of having most powerful analyzing trading knowledge; it is not possible to make success in this trading place, if you do not have a reliable support from a trading platform.

Mostly new traders say that its hard to earn from forex but seniors trader say that its not hard to earn from forex trading. There are so many ways to earn money online, what do you think that is forex easy way to earn with compare to other sources?

Today people are in search of any short cut to be rich. Forex might be good for this purpose.Although it is risky business , It has a chance to jump over the profit . So people think forex an easy way to earn.

Other online jobs demand hard working and lot of time . Some of them are of research type and are handles by any company . In forex you can start your own business you are free to use your investment to trade. There is no fix time of trade. You can join it as part or full time.


It can be an easy source to earn money easily, if you can gather all analyzing trade knowledge in this market place. On the other hand, in spite of having good trading knowledge, it is not possible at all to earn money easily, if you do not have the reliable support from a trading platform which is at all times supportive to you by providing many exclusive trading facilities.


Easy? Yeap, easier is only to steal But it so hard to keep your profit. Easy to earn, easy to lose...