EUR/USD outlook today


The EUR/USD pair fell during the session on Wednesday, but remained above the 1.35 level. This area should provide quite a bit of support, but there will be concerns of what is going to be said after the European Central Bank meeting today.

If there are no mentions of concerns about the strength of the Euro, you can expect this pair to go much higher. Alternately, we do feel the despair does continue to climb, and dance any dip should be a buying opportunity going forward. However, we are the first to admit that this area is attracting a lot of attention and will be vital going forward. However, as you look at the charts you can’t help but notice that it simply doesn’t want to fall. On a break of the highest from the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions, we are more than willing to add to our already long position.

EUR/USD Forecast February 7, 2013, Technical Analysis