Never trade if you are a weak person.


Do you agree that weak person is not allowed to trade into Forex because it easy for them to lose all their money?


That's not a weak person, to me that person is a person that has no knowledge about trading. I would like to suggest such person to learn more and to practice more before he start trading.

Do you agree that weak person is not allowed to trade into Forex because it easy for them to lose all their money?

Yes...because if you want to be successful in Forex then your should not be weak and be a determined person.


It could be called "tradeholism" so it is not that easy as it seems. Adrenaline rush when trading can be quite a rush


It might not be so suitable for people with weak hearts


Yes you are right weak people should not trade i would like to use poor people instead of weak..becuase their is high risk of loosing money in forex market.



I certainly agree that it takes a strong mind to see how valuable forex is and what it has to offer and then to crack the code and extract production it can be said that an undisciplined weak mind will never even take the required attempts it takes to actually get into the vast amounts of profits that await


There are not weak traders, just traders who make money and those that loose it. Overtime conversion from the loosing to the winning end can occur. So even if you consider yourself weak, don't worry with time you will get better.



The question itself is wrong or without definition of the weak person in this context. If you want deep and thorough answer, please learn how to ask a good question first.