Don't let your emotions ruined your strategy. - page 2


The richest men are with the biggest greed. So why not be greedy? And who is advising us not to be greedy?


Pleasant assertion can be mentioned here. Feelings actually damage our technique along with preparing. One should possibly be rigid enough to perform logical dealing in lieu of psychological guidance inside it. Feelings tend to be damaging perhaps pertaining to pros who is able to shed in addition to for freshies.


emotions are a doubled edged sword! instead of having it work against you let it work for you. it takes time to undertand and actually apply, but its a good way to divert things.


We cannot trade without emotions. The sooner we accept it the faster we can incorporate it to our trading


I usually have the belief that i will turn things around which most of the time makes me doing loss, how do you face this? is stop loss the only way ?

The richest men are with the biggest greed. So why not be greedy? And who is advising us not to be greedy?

yes but in order for them to become rich they had a vision and a target and remained focus on that (i think the same comes for trading, setting targets and strategy and achieve them)! The get greedy after the get rich


Yes, in Forex you can really loose because of your emotions, so you have to be carefull with it


A good trader is those who is able to stick to their strategy and make decision under pressure without letting their emotions take the control of the trading. This is something difficult to reach but not impossible.

A good trader is those who is able to stick to their strategy and make decision under pressure without letting their emotions take the control of the trading. This is something difficult to reach but not impossible.

What is your way to control your emotions and stick to your strategy divisa35?


It is important to control our emotion because it can make us to make bad trading decision. It can ruin a good strategy if not controlled.