Do you think it is hard to leave Forex? - page 2


Good quite fro Gorge Soros : "If trading is not boring than I do something wrong. It has to be boring if you do it good"


But I want excitement


Hmmm Forex is very hard to leave because I can make good money in Forex. Forex is a worldwide business and also very popular in the world.


It is easy - all you need is a margin call

It is easy - all you need is a margin call

I have seen people that were trading as if their life depended on that

Sometimes someone simply can not stop. I ,for example, had a problem with over-trading - it took me more than a year to learn how to control it (luckily never got margin called). So I guess that it is hard sometimes

I have seen people that were trading as if their life depended on that Sometimes someone simply can not stop. I ,for example, had a problem with over-trading - it took me more than a year to learn how to control it (luckily never got margin called). So I guess that it is hard sometimes

People usually do not notice that they are over trading

They think that after wining they should trade again ("i am on a wining streak"), Then is exactly when that pause should be made


That's one of the hardest decisions you need to make in life- to specify right moment to "jump" into something and to choose when to leave.....or should you abandon....or should you start. If you are making profit- why leave? If you are committed person- again why leave?


If you earn large amounts of snow in Forex is difficult to leave. What can I say?

Why to leave Forex if u gain money?



Why will I leave forex when I know that that is where I make all my profits? it will be hard for me to leave forex when I am making a great profit. It will only be easy for me to leave forex when I am not making profit, even if I am not making it and have every reasons to quite forex, I will not be discouraged because there are business gurus who once made a great loss but were not discourage, rather, they continued to work till they got to perfection.