Are you scared to lose your money? - page 4


The only way out that I see is to use only the money that you can afford to lose. What I mean is... if you lose it - nothing in your life will change. NOTHING.

Like... if you had $ with them... with time you get a profit, say, $100 more. You just divide it in two. AND trade on a different pair, using a totally different strategy! Then, even if you lose the first part of the budget, the second one remains and might even profit from the loss.

This way you secure you money.

Hope it helps! Good luck! =)

Mr Investor:
The only way out that I see is to use only the money that you can afford to lose. What I mean is... if you lose it - nothing in your life will change. NOTHING.

Like... if you had $ with them... with time you get a profit, say, $100 more. You just divide it in two. AND trade on a different pair, using a totally different strategy! Then, even if you lose the first part of the budget, the second one remains and might even profit from the loss.

This way you secure you money.

Hope it helps! Good luck! =)

Exactly. We should not trade if we scared to lose money. Better to use 10% of savings for investments. But you need to make your mind for losses

But you need to make your mind for losses

Are you talking about setting stop losses? of course, you should try measure the risk!


Every trader lose money in forex.The name of the game is how you minimize your losses.

It is normal for the traders to be afraid in losing money but always remember that you cannot gain huge profit if you will not take the risk.

Losing money in Forex trading is part of the game esp for new traders. The key to minimize, if not fully eliminated, this lose is to have sufficient knowledge, skills, training, right timing, and risk management approach.

Losing money in Forex trading is part of the game esp for new traders. The key to minimize, if not fully eliminated, this lose is to have sufficient knowledge, skills, training, right timing, and risk management approach.

Loss is part of Forex.It is just how you react to every loss you have.A trader must learn from losses.Analyze and device a solution so you wont make the same mistake again.From there you are controlling your risks of losing your money.

Loss is part of Forex.It is just how you react to every loss you have.A trader must learn from losses.Analyze and device a solution so you wont make the same mistake again.From there you are controlling your risks of losing your money.

Yes this is part of Forex and we accept it. But why should we?

There is an opportunity to insure your deposit and get it back in case of a loss.


We should trade with the amount we afford to loss for us not to feel scared.

Sofia FBS:
Yes this is part of Forex and we accept it. But why should we? There is an opportunity to insure your deposit and get it back in case of a loss.

Agree.We'll always get our loss back.And that is good sign if we learn to bounce back from our losses.

Oscar Hunter:
i hope every trading in this world have risk , if we scared to loss money we never see the face of profit.

You are right. So that's why we have to educate ourselves about Forex trading and Forex market.