Are you a loser in Forex? - page 3

I think every good trader was at the beginning of a loser. However, by exercise and experience you will get better and better.

Exactly. This is common for every one


No I am not a looser but i lose in some trade and its normal.


Suppose Forex is the mother then Loss and profit both are son of forex.i may lose sometimes but i am not a loser at all.

Forex is about losing and gaining profit. But it is not normal to all the traders to lose their money every time taking a position. When losing for a couple of days, its time to stop and have a rest in trading in order to develop new method and strategies.

That is correct.

And it seems that people are not reading the first post. If you continue the same strategy (if you have one) even after a streak of loses, than it is time to go to horse races - not changing the strategy that is losing is a sign of hope trading not of common sense

yes you are right it is very important to stop greed if are loosing your money and stop and learn, make new strategy.

Greed should be control it is very harmful in trading so trader should focus on learning and increase their patience factor to control greed factor.


What you need is to understand how much you can lose every day, week or month. If you're permanently losing more than that, you have to consider reviewing your strategy with demo account

Forex is about losing and gaining profit. But it is not normal to all the traders to lose their money every time taking a position. When losing for a couple of days, its time to stop and have a rest in trading in order to develop new method and strategies.

Stopping to develop a new strategy does not mean that you won't lose again. Losing is normal in this business, but good traders always learn to minimize their loss. Good money management and a very good platform (nice broker) can also guarantee you constant profit and less loss.


it is often said that quitters don't win and winners don't quit, but sometimes, quitting is the best way to come out a winner.

its almost in possible to trade for 300 days without having at least one loser


Whoever is telling that quitters don't win is telling that simply as an excuse.

Losing is no just as common and just as useful as wining - as long as one learns from loses too. If loses do not teach you anything than it is a time to quit or else you are going to suffer big loses


Until I quit to learn and working hard I don't think I'm looser. though l'm not making pofit but l'm trying hard to overcome from my mistake so L'm not a looser but straggler.