VPCI Indicator. What's wrong? (Tradestation to MT4)


Hello guys,

i have found a VPCI indicator for tradestation and tried to code it for MT4, because i couldn't find a similar version. I took another VPCI (MT4) and just change a bit. i'm not that good at programming. Seems like it works but my MT4 version does not look like the tradesation version.

Here is my Code (MT4):

#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 1

#property indicator_color1 Yellow

extern int period=5,


double VPCI[];

double VPCISmooth[];

int init() {

string short_name="VPCI";







int start() {

int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

int limit=Bars-counted_bars;

double VolumeSum1,VolumeSum2,VWMA1,VWMA2,VPR,VM,VolPriSum1,VolPriSum2,VP;

for(int i=0;i<limit;i++) {


for (int l=i;l<i+period;l++) {



for (l=i;l<i+LongTermPeriod;l++) {



for (l=i;l<i+period;l++) {



for (l=i;l<i+LongTermPeriod;l++) {



if (VolumeSum1>0)

VWMA1 = VolPriSum1/VolumeSum1;

if (VolumeSum2>0)

VWMA2 = VolPriSum2/VolumeSum2;

VP = VWMA2 - iMA(NULL,0,LongTermPeriod,0,0,0,i);

VPR = VWMA1/ iMA(NULL,0,period,0,0,3,i);

VM = (VolumeSum1/period)/(VolumeSum2/LongTermPeriod);





And the tradestation code


Price( Close ),

Length1( 5 ),

Length2( 20 ),

VPCIAvgLen( 20 ) ;


VolValue( 0 ),

VolumeSum1( 0 ),

VolumeSum2( 0 ),

VWMA1( 0 ),

VWMA2( 0 ),

VP( 0 ),

VPR( 0 ),

VM( 0 ),

VPCI( 0 ),

AvgVPCI( 0 ) ;

if BarType >= 2 then { not tick/minute data }

VolValue = Volume


VolValue = Ticks ;

VolumeSum1 = Summation( VolValue, Length1 ) ;

if VolumeSum1 > 0 then

VWMA1 = Summation( Price * VolValue , Length1 ) / VolumeSum1 ;

VolumeSum2 = Summation( VolValue, Length2 ) ;

if VolumeSum2 > 0 then

VWMA2 = Summation( Price * VolValue , Length2 ) / VolumeSum2 ;

VP = VWMA2 - Average( Price, Length2 ) ;

VPR = VWMA1 / Average( Low, Length1 ) ;

VM = Average( VolValue, Length1 ) / Average( VolValue, Length2 ) ;

VPCI = VP * VPR * VM ;

AvgVPCI = Average( VPCI, VPCIAvgLen ) ;

Plot1( VPCI, "VPCI" ) ;

Plot2( AvgVPCI, "VPCISmooth" ) ;

Plot3( 0, "Zero" ) ;

You can find a picture of it here: h**p://www.traderslaboratory.com/forums/attachments/56/5912d1207587090-volume-price-action-momentum-indicator-vpmo-vs-vpci-2008-04-07_124855.gif

And here another one with the code under it: h**p://www.traders.com/Documentation/FEEDbk_docs/2007/07/TradersTips/TradersTips.html#tradestation

I don't added the MA on it, don't know how to do it. If someone has the time it would be nice.

But more important where is my mistake?



For now just posting this to add picture directly (so it is visible right away) and a link to description (to help all interested in in it : it is a TASC July 2007 description of it Traders Tips - July 2007 )

Was curios what will it look like on metatrader real data (and "volumes")

It actually seems to be interesting on shorter time frames (this is a 15 minute metatrader data used for example)

vpci.gif  34 kb

VPCI - metatrader 4 version ...

Here as a vpci indicator converted to metatrader 4 (with the addition of colors (as in this modified tradestation version : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum)
vpci_1.gif  32 kb
vpci.mq4  5 kb

Thank you mladen,

excellent work. i should have ask earlier, so i would not have spend so much time at my "beginner" code.

I agree, it looks better in smaller timeframes but also not bad in higher. It could be helpfull, maybe in combination with other indicators or different settings.