Comment on indicator value


Hello everyone... i´m rather new to the forum but I have managed to see there is a lot of nice people willing to help beginners like me...

I just want to know if someone could possibly help me adding a comment function on these 2 indicators so I could see in the top left corner of the chart window, the actual value represented by the Supertrend line...

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! (indicators attached).

Thanks in advance!

Hello everyone... i´m rather new to the forum but I have managed to see there is a lot of nice people willing to help beginners like me...

I just want to know if someone could possibly help me adding a comment function on these 2 indicators so I could see in the top left corner of the chart window, the actual value represented by the Supertrend line...

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! (indicators attached).

Thanks in advance!

Hello Arsgoetia,

Welcome to the forum, added the comments know this is not exactly right because you can't use both on the same chart but this will have to do for now, think after some sleep will try to make this one indicator,then will have the comment for both upper and lower supertrend. Will be like a supertrend channel with comments.

Hello Arsgoetia, Welcome to the forum, added the comments know this is not exactly right because you can't use both on the same chart but this will have to do for now, think after some sleep will try to make this one indicator,then will have the comment for both upper and lower supertrend. Will be like a supertrend channel with comments.


Thank you so much for your prompt reply and help!

That is exactly right! what I am looking to have is exacly like a supertrend channel with comments! this principle you coded is the correct path to what I am in need of... you are amazing, thank you so much for this... and also for working on making it one stand alone indicator with the comments! you truly rock and have made my day!

Looking forward to read what you can come up with... such a warm welcome to the forum with this assistance!


Thank you so much for your prompt reply and help!

That is exactly right! what I am looking to have is exacly like a supertrend channel with comments! this principle you coded is the correct path to what I am in need of... you are amazing, thank you so much for this... and also for working on making it one stand alone indicator with the comments! you truly rock and have made my day!

Looking forward to read what you can come up with... such a warm welcome to the forum with this assistance!

Arsgoetia, sorry to say not enough buffers for me to correctly do it as a channel, this version i am posting is the exact same values as the ones you posted,except not a channel and it changes color for buy or sell, looking for different ideas to make a channel, but this is the best for now.


Hi Mrtools

So bad it is not possible to turn it into a channel... I truly appreciate the time invested in this and your help.

Do you think there could be another member of this forum that could give this a try or it is simply not possible due to the buffer detail you mentioned?

In any case, like mentioned above, I thank you for your assistance.

Have a great day!

Hi Mrtools

So bad it is not possible to turn it into a channel... I truly appreciate the time invested in this and your help.

Do you think there could be another member of this forum that could give this a try or it is simply not possible due to the buffer detail you mentioned?

In any case, like mentioned above, I thank you for your assistance.

Have a great day!

Hi Arsgoetia,

Might be someone don't really know but sometimes a idea comes to me and the light pops on, to do it a different way, but if you put the versions you posted on top of the last one i posted you will see they are exact except for the turning points, so am very close.

Hi Arsgoetia, Might be someone don't really know but sometimes a idea comes to me and the light pops on, to do it a different way, but if you put the versions you posted on top of the last one i posted you will see they are exact except for the turning points, so am very close.

That´s why you rock my friend... I didn´t think of that option as you presented it (putting my versions on top of the one you made). I will go right ahead and do that, will inform you how it goes.

In regards to the ideas popping in your mind, well... you have a mind that certainly works on a higher rate than mine so I´m sure you will come up with something Mrtools.

Thank you so much.. wow, you have been a great help!!!


Thanks MrTools!

Well, I tried the indicator you provided me with, but the thing is that well... yeah, the channel style is what is needed for the strategy I designed, as I need the upper and lower to calculate lots and TP also SL.

However I really want to send you a big THANK YOU for all the help, and will of course be in touch with the thread to see if you could come up with any brilliant coding for the channel mode for this supertrend stuff...

Hail Mrtools!

Arsgoetia, sorry to say not enough buffers for me to correctly do it as a channel, this version i am posting is the exact same values as the ones you posted,except not a channel and it changes color for buy or sell, looking for different ideas to make a channel, but this is the best for now.

Hi mrtools , this indicator is not compiling with new mt4, can u plz make it compatible with the new mt4 version.


Hi mrtools , this indicator is not compiling with new mt4, can u plz make it compatible with the new mt4 version. Thanks

Here is a new mt4 compatible version : xsupertrend_alertscomments_nmc.mq4

Here is a new mt4 compatible version : xsupertrend_alertscomments_nmc.mq4

Thankyou so much mladen