How is Foreign Exchange exactly work at bank?


hi guys is anyone here work at banks can explain detailed on how is foreign exchange from average joe is handled ? or anyone has information of it ?

wiki said average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $3.98 trillion

lets say i'm a billionaire and i have 2 trillion USD and i want to change it to EUR , i went to citibank and said to the teller i want to change my money into EUR . How is my money process ? will i crash the foreign exchange market with sudden move ? im really curious on how is my money handled

thanks please reply

Measuring wheat futures liquidity seems doable as they are exchange traded, but how would you define and measure fx market liquidity?
hi guys is anyone here work at banks can explain detailed on how is foreign exchange from average joe is handled ? or anyone has information of it ?

wiki said average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $3.98 trillion

lets say i'm a billionaire and i have 2 trillion USD and i want to change it to EUR , i went to citibank and said to the teller i want to change my money into EUR . How is my money process ? will i crash the foreign exchange market with sudden move ? im really curious on how is my money handled

thanks please reply

There's no way it's going to happen because the liquidity in the market is supposedly to be very high.

Moreover, you are talking about being a trillionaire here. No trillionaire is going to come from the current ranks of the world's richest people.