Is Forex a good option for the students? - page 3

Peter Brandley:
well i think forex is a good business program. but in the initial stage for forex we need to invest good money. and i think its impossible for the students to invest in forex. as students have greater power to understand new things and have a good analytical knowledge due to their learning phase well i guess if they are given this opportunity they will surely succeed so what should students do if they want to work in forex?

Thanks for the nice posting.I am thinking that student can not earn because they can not invest much money.I am a student .I am searching a such broker who will provide special benefit for the students.


I think, student would better to focus on learning in school first. But If only to know the basic forex, it does not matter. Because of this business is too risky for them.


its risky for us all that try to trade on the forex market. Trying to find that right stratagy or system that works. Students could benefit however they do have a lot of studying to do for their regular classes. Studing the forex market is like a being a full time student unless you can find someone who will teach you, but from my experince there are not to many out there that will teach you.



Forex is good for anyone who wants to gain financial freedom.

Forex is good for anyone who wants to gain financial freedom.

Financial freedom doesnot mean that you invest money in any institution without getting proper knowledge and skills. A wise decision always taken before taking wrong move, so forex is only good option for students when they have complete knowledge of forex, trading and their techniques. Risk management can't be done by a student, it requires skills and knowledge which only comes if the trader is well educated. Although most of the traders are not highly educated but they choose the right broker and signals. This is the only reason by which they earn in early stages. I share a nice free signal system. any one can check it. fxreplitrader, fully compatible with MT4, and a true gift for new traders who like to earn in nice way.


I can imagine it : a student takes his student loan money and loses it at trading forex. Students should study.

Once they have finished they can decide what to do, but confusing forex with a game that can be "played" along with studying (or anything else as a matter of fact) is a very dangerous mistake

Peter Brandley:
well i think forex is a good business program. but in the initial stage for forex we need to invest good money. and i think its impossible for the students to invest in forex. as students have greater power to understand new things and have a good analytical knowledge due to their learning phase well i guess if they are given this opportunity they will surely succeed so what should students do if they want to work in forex?

Yes forex can very good for student but they should not be that focus on trading that is long term trading, I will say that any student going into the field of forex should go into scalping trading as this will give them time to do others school activity and student should not used much capital to trade for a start to avoid loss untill proper knowledge about forex has been aquired.

Yes forex can very good for student but they should not be that focus on trading that is long term trading, I will say that any student going into the field of forex should go into scalping trading as this will give them time to do others school activity and student should not used much capital to trade for a start to avoid loss untill proper knowledge about forex has been aquired.

Yeah, i agree with you. Because of forex trading is too risky for them, they can trade if they have graduated. They can use welcome bonus to start trading with real account.


If a student decided to be a trader then he or she should devote leasure time to price movemnt analyzing and trading. It's better to start from stocks. They reflect the real picture of market.


Good for students?

Yes I think it is a very good option for you as a student. In general students have a lot of time, and that is what you really need as a trader because you need to keep up with current affairs. Of course it would be best if you were a student studying economics.

Anyway, all the best! Cheers,
