Daily Market News by TradingForex - page 4


Market Outlook 13 DEC 2012

Currencies USD/JPYThe yen touched 83.67 per dollar, the weakest since March 21, before trading 0.4 percent lower at 83.59 as of 6:51 a.m. in London.The yen fell to the weakest level in almost nine months against the dollar before the Bank of Japan (8301)’s Tankan survey tomorrow, which economists say will show big manufacturers in the nation grew more pessimistic.

EUR/USD The shared currency closed above $1.3002 yesterday, signaling an upward trend that may see it test $1.3150, the 38 percent Fibonacci retracement level of a broad bearish move in the euro from May 2011 to July, Richard Adcock, head of fixed- income technical strategy at UBS AG in London, wrote today in a note to clients. The euro could rise to $1.3490, its highest level since Dec. 2, 2011, if it closes the week above $1.30

AUD/USD Australia’s currency appreciated 0.3 percent to $1.0555 yesterday in New York, after rising to $1.0586, its highest level since Sept. 14.The Australian dollars rose against their U.S. peer after the Federal Reserve added to its monetary-stimulus program, renewing concern the measures will debase the U.S. currency.

NZD/USD New Zealand’s dollar has strengthened 6.3 percent this year, the biggest increase among the 10 developed-nation currencies monitored by the Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Indexes. The Aussie has gained 0.7 percent, and the U.S. dollar has fallen 2.9 percent.

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Market Outlook 14 DEC 2012

Currencies USD/JPYThe yen touched 83.96 per dollar, the lowest level since March 21, before trading at 83.78 at 6:46 a.m. in London, down 0.2 percent from yesterday.The yen fell to the weakest since March against the dollar as Japanese business confidence slid to an almost three-year low, adding to the case for more central bank easing ahead of a general election this weekend.

AUD/USD The Aussie added 0.1 percent to $1.0544 as of 4:32 p.m. in Sydney from yesterday, after earlier sliding as much as 0.2 percent. It’s set for a 0.5 percent weekly gain, having touched $1.0586 on Dec. 12, the strongest since Sept. The Australian and New Zealand dollars rose, erasing earlier losses, after a private report showed Chinese manufacturing may expand at a faster pace, boosting trade prospects.

GBP/USD Sterling depreciated 0.2 percent to 81.08 pence per euro at 5 p.m. London time after reaching 81.17, the weakest since Dec. 6. The pound weakened versus the euro and dollar as data showed a majority of U.K. manufacturers are still seeing a decline in orders even as they report improving business conditions.

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Market Outlook 17 DEC 2012

Market Outlook 17 DEC 2012

Currencies USD/JPYThe yen fell 0.5 percent to 83.95 per dollar at 8:30 a.m. London time after depreciating to 84.48, the weakest since April 12, 2011. The yen fell to the weakest since April 2011 versus the dollar after Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party won Japanese elections yesterday, giving him a mandate to act on pledges of expanded monetary stimulus.

GBP/USD The pound traded at $1.6191 at 7:47 a.m. London time, after rising to $1.62, the strongest since Oct. 5. The pound was little changed against the dollar after rising to the strongest level in more than two months as a report showed house prices in England and Wales declined in December.

AUD/USD The Australian dollar gained 0.5 percent to 88.67 yen as of 4:16 p.m. in Sydney from Dec. 14, after earlier touching 89.13, the highest since May 2, 2011. The Aussie fell 0.3 percent to $1.0540. The Australian dollar rose to the strongest in 19 months versus the yen after Japan’s main opposition party reclaimed power in elections yesterday on pledges of increased fiscal and monetary stimulus.

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Market Outlook 19 DEC 2012

Market Outlook 19 DEC 2012

Currencies EUR/JPYThe yen touched 111.78 per euro, the weakest since Aug. 30, 2011, before trading at 111.69 as of 6:30 a.m. in London, 0.3 percent below yesterday’s close. The yen fell to its lowest level against the euro since August last year on prospects the Bank of Japan (8301) will expand stimulus at a two-day policy meeting that ends tomorrow, its first since the nation’s general election.

EUR/USD The euro added 0.5 percent to $1.3229 at 5 p.m. New York time, reaching the highest level since May 2 The euro rose to the strongest in more than seven months against the dollar on speculation U.S. lawmakers will reach a budget pact to avert pushing the economy over the so-called fiscal cliff and into recession.

AUD/USD The Aussie declined 0.2 percent to $1.0515 as of 4:11 p.m. in Sydney, having fallen 0.3 percent in the previous two days. Australia’s dollar declined for a third day against its U.S. counterpart on concern the South Pacific nation’s economy is slowing and may be in store for further interest-rate cuts by the central bank.

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Market Outlook 20 DEC 2012

Currencies USD/JPYThe yen strengthened 0.6 percent to 111.02 per euro at 6:33 a.m. in London from the close yesterday, when it touched 112.50, the weakest level since August 2011. The yen climbed against all of its major peers as the Bank of Japan maintained its 1 percent inflation goal after incoming Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for a doubling of the target.

AUD/USD Australia’s currency was little changed at $1.0477 as of 4:25 p.m. in Sydney after falling 0.8 percent in the previous three days. Australia’s dollar maintained a three-day loss and the nation’s bonds rose amid concern U.S. lawmakers are deadlocked on a deal to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, reducing demand for riskier assets.

NZD/USD The local dollar bought 83.34 U.S. cents at 11:28 a.m. in Wellington and is up about 1.6 percent this month. The Treasury forecasts it will average 82 cents throughout 2013 before declining to 79 cents by late 2014 New Zealand Finance Minister Bill English said the nation’s growth outlook is attracting foreign bond investors, helping propel the year’s strongest-performing Group of 10 currency and leaving the government powerless to steer it to lower levels

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Market Outlook 28 Dec

CURRENCIES EUR/USD The euro has been on the rise while the dollar has been dropping against it, as the efforts to avert the fiscal cliff continue. The dollar fell to its lowest in 8 months trading at 1.3236 per euro at 5:05 pm New York time, and it has weakened as much as 0.5 percent. The euro’s 14-index of relative strength reached 70.6 to the dollar.

USD/JPY The yen has been on a fall, reaching its lowest in 28 months against the dollar. The yen dropped 0.6 percent touching 86.10 per dollar, its weakest since August 16, 2010.As of 2:17pm Tokyo time, the yen traded at 86.64 per dollar, after trading at 86.45 which is 0.4 percent lower than yesterday. The yen has lost 2.6 percent against the dollar since December 21 of this year, and its 14-day relative strength index has dropped to 17 against the dollar.

EUR/JPY According to Bloomberg’s correlation-weighted indexes the euro has gained 3 percent in the past three months, making it the second highest of the 10 development market currencies.The yen however has dropped 0.7 percent to 113.99 per euro, and its 14 day relative strength index dropped to 19.8 against the euro.The constant fall of the currency has spurred speculations that the central bank of the country will need to try and set up a cash infusion to control the situation.The Japanese currency has lost 0.4 percent to 114.49 per euro, and dropped to its lowest level since July 11 2011, while the euro has gained 0.1 percent and is now at 1.3242 dollars.

AUD/JPY The Australian currency has been gaining strength and has reached its highest against the yen since April of 2011, and has touched 89.83 yen. The decline in Japan’s consumer prices which has added to the monetary problems of the country, has helped the Australian dollar trade at 89.67 as of 4:01 pm Sydney time, which is 0.4 percent higher than yesterday. The yearly increase of the currency is predicted to be 14 percent against the Japanese currency.



Market News 7 Jan 2013

Currencies EUR/USDThe dollar gained 0.3 percent and rose to 1.3035 dollars per euro on the 4th of January. The dollar gained a weekley 0.7 percent increase while the euro lost 0.7 percent.

USD/JPYAt 6 am London time the Yen gained 0.5 percent and rose to 87.73 per dollar. The yen's relative strength index versus the dollar fell to 15.5 on the 4th of January, its lowest since December 2001. The yen's continued shrinking has lead the country to take drastic measures, and it is expected that the extra budget which will be used to boost the economy will take around 5-6 trillion yen out of the public's work spending money.

AUD/USD The Australian dollar has gained against most of its counterparts. The yield of Australia's benchmark three-year government note went to 2.87 percent, its highest since the 17th of August 2012, and was 2 points lower than the 4th of January at 2.83 percent. The Australian dollar is expected to fall below 1 dollar this year, and weaken to 99 US cents by the end of the year.


Market News 8 Jan 2013

Currencies EUR/USD The euro stayed strong versus the dollar, increasing 0.5 percent over the two past days, and it traded at 1.3119 dollars, at 12:26 pm London time, however it then suffered 0.2 percent loss and fell to 1.3042 dollars.

USD/JPY The yen has made a turn, and gained 0.5 percent reaching 87.36 per dollar, at 6:30 am London time. This is its strongest two day gain since the 8[SUP]th[/SUP] of November, a positive change since four days ago it had hit its weakest price since July 2010. The Yen’s 14 day relative strength index against the dollar was at 27 today. The dollar fell 0.3 percent versus the yen and reached 87.55 per yen at 1:35 pm Tokyo time, Still the dollar displays signs of strength and is expected to advance to 94 yen; its strongest price in over two years.

AUD/USD The Australian dollar has slid after a three day gain. It fell 0.2 percent reaching 1.0478 dollars at 4:46 pm Sydney time. Speculations expect a 60 percent chance of the Reserve Bank of Australia lowering the benchmark interest rate from 3 percent this quarter.



Market News 9 Jan 2013


EUR/USD The euro did not change much against the dollar. The dollar stayed higher than most major currencies gaining against the euro, which is not shocking when paired with the news that the European currency may not be improving any time soon. The pair hit 1.3093 rising 0.03 percent.

USD/JPY After rising 1.3 percent over the past two days, the yen once again fell against most of the major currencies, and lost against the dollar 0.5 percent to 87.49 per dollar at 6:49 am London time.

AUD/USD The Australian dollar has made a turn and for the last three days it has been gaining. The Aussie rose 0.4 percent over the past three days and it traded at 1.0503 dollars at 4:55 pm Sydney time. The pair hit 1.0523 which is a 0.06 percent increase.

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Market News 10 Jan 2013

Currencies EUR/USD The euro slid 0.1 percent to1.3056 dollars. The euro which is considered in crisis, awaits its fate when the European Central Bank will meet on Thursday. The pair hit 1.3037 in the morning which is its lowest since Monday.

USD/JPY The Japanese yen has fallen once more against most of its counterparts. The two day loss has the currency losing 0.3 percent and falling to 88.17 dollars at 6:39 London time. On the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] of January the currency had reached its lowest level in over two years.


The Australian dollar has gained its three week high against the dollar. As imports and exports in China improve, its major trading partner Australia, has been positively affected and the country’s currency has been improving. The Aussie touched its strongest price since the 18[SUP]th[/SUP] of December with 1.0555 dollars, before falling to 1.0552 dollars at 4:31 pm Sydney time, which is a 0.3 percent increase.

GBP/USD The British currency has suffered a big loss and has fallen lower than most of its counterparts, occupying the second to last spot. It reached its lowest level since the 30[SUP]th[/SUP] of November at 1.5993 dollars, it then rose to 1.6012 dollars at 4:38 pm London time.

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