Daily Market News by TradingForex - page 2


Market Outlook 10/26/2012


GBP/USDThe pound climbed the most in three weeks against the dollar after Britain’s economy expanded by more than analysts forecast in the third quarter, pulling the nation out of a recession.

The pound added 0.6 percent to $1.6128 at 4:21 p.m. London time, after rising as much as 0.7 percent, the steepest gain since Oct. 4.

USD/JPY The dollar may strengthen to a six- month high against the yen should it break through a level of so-called resistance, Credit Suisse Group AG said, citing trading patterns.

The dollar gained 0.5 percent to 80.20 yen at 4:15 p.m. London time, extending this month’s advance to 2.9 percent. The U.S. currency last traded at 81.49 yen was on April 25.


Market Outlook 10/29/2012

Market Outlook 10/29/2012

USD/JPY The yen fetched 79.68 per U.S. dollar as of 3:04 p.m. in Tokyo after rising 0.8 percent to 79.65 on Oct. 26, the largest gain since Aug. 22. It was at 102.99 per euro following a 0.2 percent advance last week to 103.05. Europe’s shared currency lost 0.1 percent to $1.2926.

AUD/USD The Australian dollar dropped 0.2 percent to $1.0354 as of 4:19 p.m. in Sydney from the close on Oct. 26. It bought 82.46 yen from 82.62. The New Zealand dollar, nicknamed the kiwi, slid 0.2 percent to 82.09 U.S. cents. The currency weakened 0.2 percent to 65.40 yen.

CommoditiesGold for immediate delivery climbed as much as 0.3 percent to $1,716.05 an ounce and was at $1,715.26 at 1:54 p.m. in Singapore. Bullion for December delivery rose as much as 0.3 percent to $1,716.70 an ounce on the Comex, and was at $1,715.90. The U.S. securities industry canceled all stock trading as Hurricane Sandy headed toward New York City.

Crude oil for December delivery gained 23 cents, or 0.3 percent, to settle at $86.28 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices fell 4.8 percent this week and are down 13 percent this year.



USD/JPYThe Japanese currency reached 79.28 per dollar, the strongest since Oct. 22, before trading at 79.43 as of 6:13 a.m. in London, 0.5 percent higher than yesterday’s close.

AUD/USD Australia’s dollar traded at $1.0334 at 2:53 p.m. in Sydney from $1.0332 yesterday, when it fell 0.4 percent. It was little changed at 82.49 yen . Australian bonds gained for a third day, pushing the yield on 10-year debt down by seven basis points, or 0.07 percentage point, to 3.12 percent.

USD/CAD The loonie, as the currency is known for the image of the aquatic bird on the C$1 coin, weakened 0.4 percent to C$1.0010 per U.S. dollar at 5 p.m. in Toronto. It hasn’t lost for five consecutive days since May. The Canadian dollar last closed weaker than parity on Aug. 6. One Canadian dollar buys $0.9990.


Brent oil for December settlement on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange dropped as much as 69 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $108.75 a barrel. The European benchmark crude was at a premium of $23.75 to the WTI contract. The spread increased for a sixth day yesterday to $23.90, near the widest in more than a year.

GOLD The rise in gold prices in recent years added to the metal’s popularity. Spot gold, which traded at $1,711.38 an ounce on Oct. 29, has climbed 9 percent this year, heading for a 12th consecutive annual gain, as investors bought bullion to protect against inflation.


Market Outlook 10/31/2012

Currencies USD/JPYThe dollar bought 79.62 yen as of 1:53 p.m. in Tokyo after falling 0.2 percent yesterday. It fetched $1.2957 per euro following a 0.4 percent decline in New York, the biggest drop since Oct. 17. Europe’s shared currency was little changed at 103.17 yen after rising 0.2 percent yesterday. The dollar has strengthened 2.1 percent against its Japanese counterpart this month. It has declined 0.8 percent versus the euro since Sept. 30.

USD/CAD The loonie, as the currency is nicknamed for the waterfowl on the C$1 coin, rose 0.2 percent to 99.92 per U.S. dollar cents at 5 p.m. in Toronto. It closed weaker than that level yesterday for the first time since Aug. 6. The currency is down 1.6 percent this month. One Canadian dollar buys $1.0008. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index (SXXP)advanced 0.9 percent while crude oil, Canada’s largest export, rose 0.2 percent to $85.69 per barrel in New York.

GBP/USDThe pound gained 0.3 percent to $1.6081 at 4:19 p.m. London time after falling to $1.5914 on Oct. 23, the lowest level since Sept. 6. Sterling weakened 0.2 percent to 80.66 pence per euro.

Commodities Crude Oil for December delivery rose as much as 34 cents to $86.02 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 2:22 p.m. Singapore time. Prices gained 14 cents yesterday to $85.68, the highest close since Oct. 26. Futures are down 6.7 percent in October and 13 percent this year.

Brent oil for December settlement rose 7 cents to $109.15 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. The European benchmark crude’s premium to the West Texas Intermediate contract was at $23.18, down from $23.40 yesterday.

Gold for immediate delivery rose as much as 0.2 percent to $1,712.80 an ounce and was at $1,711.52 at 1:24 p.m. in Singapore. Prices are down 3.4 percent this month after climbing 4.7 percent in September as central banks from Europe to China to the U.S. pledged to do more to stimulate their economies.


Market Outlook 11/01/2012

Currencies USD/CADCanada’s currency little changed at 99.94 cents per U.S. dollar at 5 p.m. in Toronto after reaching C$1.0014 earlier. It touched C$1.0019 yesterday, the weakest since Aug. 6. One Canadian dollar purchases $1.0006.

GBP/USD The pound rose 0.3 percent to $1.6113 at 4:22 p.m. London time after appreciating 0.3 percent yesterday, gaining 0.2 percent to 80.45 pence after dropping 0.5 percent over the previous three days. Barclays predicts that sterling will strengthen to $1.65 by year-end

USD/JPYThe Japanese currency slid 0.3 percent to 80 per dollar. The 17- nation euro was little changed at $1.2964. The BOJ increased its asset-purchase program on Oct. 30 by 11 trillion yen ($137 billion) to 66 trillion yen to bolster growth through lower borrowing costs.

Commodities Crude for December delivery was at $86.41 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up 17 cents, at 2:46 p.m. Singapore time. Prices gained 56 cents yesterday to $86.24, the highest close since Oct. 26. Futures are down 13 percent this year.

Brent oil for December settlement on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange was at $108.72 a barrel, up 2 cents. The contract earlier dropped as much as 0.5 percent and has fallen the past three days. The European benchmark crude was at a $22.31 premium to WTI, from $22.46 yesterday

Metal for delivery in three months gained as much as 0.3 percent to $7,785 a metric ton on the London Metal Exchange and was at $7,783 at 11:41 a.m. in Tokyo. The contract fell 5.4 percent last month, the most since May. December futures rose 0.3 percent to $3.529 a pound on the Comex in New York. February futures retreated 0.2 percent to 56,750 yuan ($8,998) a ton on the Shanghai Futures Exchange.


Market Outlook 11/07/2012

Currencies EUR/USDThe dollar fell 0.4 percent to $1.2861 per euro as of 2:48 p.m. in Tokyo, after earlier gaining as much as 0.2 percent. The dollar weakened on speculation President Barack Obamas re-election victory will boost chances the U.S. will continue monetary stimulus policies that tend to weaken the currency.

AUD/USDThe Australian dollar gained 0.2 percent to $1.0451 as of 4:45 p.m. in Sydney after earlier falling as much as 0.2 percent. The currency’s implied three-month volatility fell to 8 percent, the lowest since 2007.

CAD/USDThe Canadian dollar appreciated 0.4 percent to 99.21 cents per U.S. dollar at 5:05 p.m. in Toronto. It gained last week from the weakest level in almost three months, C$1.0019. One Canadian dollar buys $1.0080.


Market Outlook 8 NOV 2012

Currencies EUR/USD The dollar added 0.2 percent to $1.2750 per euro as of 2:14 p.m. in Tokyo from yesterday, when it touched $1.2737, the strongest since Sept. 7.

USD/JPY The U.S. currency lost 0.2 percent to 79.88 yen after declining 0.4 percent to close at 80 yesterday. The Dollar Index (SPX), which tracks the greenback against the currencies of six major trading partners, rose 0.2 percent to 80.78 after touching 80.92, highest since Sept. 7.

NZD/USD It was little changed at $1.0406. New Zealand’s currency lost 0.2 percent to 81.67 U.S. cents following a 1 percent decline as of theNew York close, the biggest one-day drop since July 23. New Zealand’s two-year swap rate, a fixed payment made to receive floating rates, was at 2.64 percent from 2.62 percent yesterday.


Market Outlook 12 NOV 2012

Currencies AUD/USD The Aussie dollar rose 0.3 percent from last week to $1.0418 as of 4:47 p.m. in Sydney and strengthened 0.3 percent to 82.82 yen. It touched $1.0480 on Nov. 7, the highest since Sept. 21. New Zealand’s currency gained 0.3 percent to 81.60 U.S. cents and added 0.2 percent to 64.86 yen.

JPY/EUR The yen slid 0.1 percent to 101.18 per euro as of 6:03 a.m. in London from 101.05 at the close on Nov. 9, following a 1.9 percent gain over the previous three sessions. The euro added 0.1 percent to $1.2731, after touching $1.2690 last week, the lowest since Sept. 7.

Commodities Crude oil for December delivery increased 98 cents to settle at $86.07 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices, which climbed 1.4 percent this week, are down 13 percent this year.

Brent oil for December settlement advanced $2.15, or 2 percent, to end the session at $109.40 a barrel on the London- based ICE Futures Europe Exchange.

Gold futures for December delivery rose 0.3 percent to $1,730.90 an ounce at 1:33 p.m. on the Comex in New York. Earlier, the price reached $1,739.40, the highest for a most- active contract since Oct. 19.This week, the metal has climbed 3.3 percent, the most since Jan. 27. Gold dropped in the previous four weeks, the longest slump since September 2011.


Market Outlook 13 NOV 2012

Market Outlook 13 NOV 2012

EUR/USD The euro fell to a two-month low as finance ministers from the currency bloc struggled to agree on Greek aid, curbing demand for the common currency. The euro lost 0.2 percent to $1.2687 as of 6:35 a.m. in London, after earlier weakening to $1.2673, the least since Sept. 7

AUD/USD Australia’s dollar declined, trimming a gain from yesterday, as concern Europe’s debt crisis is weighing on global growth reduced demand for riskier assets. The Aussie dollar lost 0.2 percent to $1.0405 as of 4:58 p.m. in Sydney from yesterday when it gained 0.4 percent.

GBP/EUR The pound slid 0.2 percent to 80.11 pence per euro at 5:01 p.m. London time. It dropped 0.2 percent to $1.5869, after touching $1.5865, the weakest level since Sept. 5.


Market Outlook 14 NOV 2012

Currencies EUR/JPY The yen fell 0.4 percent to 101.23 per euro as of 6:12 a.m. in London. The euro rose 0.1 percent to $1.2718, after yesterday touching $1.2662, the weakest level since Sept. 7. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index added 0.2 percent, poised for its first advance in a week.

EUR/GBP The pound was little changed at 80.05 pence per euro at 4:58 p.m. London time after appreciating as much as 0.4 percent to 79.70 pence. The U.K. currency reached 79.61 pence on Nov. 8, the strongest level since Oct. 1. The pound has gained 1.2 percent this year . The euro weakened 3.3 percent and the dollar dropped 1.2 percent.

AUD/NZD Australia’s dollar touched NZ$1.2799, the highest level since Sept. 10, before trading at NZ$1.2788 as of 4:48 p.m. in Sydney, unchanged from yesterday. It rose to $1.0455, the strongest since Nov. 7, before trading at $1.0448, 0.1 percent higher. The Aussie advanced 0.3 percent to 83.08 yen. New Zealand’s currency added 0.1 percent to 81.70 U.S. cents and climbed 0.3 percent to 64.97 yen.

EUR/USD The euro was little changed at $1.2704 at 5 p.m. New York time after touching $1.2662 earlier, the weakest level since Sept. 7. Its 100-day moving average is $1.2644, and the 200-day average is $1.2815.