My first EA based trianglearbitrage


I'm Osamu from Japan.

I have placed my ea here and I want opinion for may ea's strategy.

The strategy of my ea is based on triangle arbitrage.

But you know the profitable gap for triangle arbitrage is raley appears in actual market.

So I considered the condition for entry and close position should be more lose.

Thie means entry or close timing for arbitarge need to be same timing,

but my condition is not same as follows. (So this ea cannnot be said Arbitrarge Strictly.)

My Condition is to use moving arverage of triangle currancy pair instead of the latest price of each paif thr.

This can make profitable gap and if the price is leaving into unprofitable direction,

the other 2 pair save from big damage.

The item I'm thinking to update is

1.Currancy pair

To compare the three pair, it might be better that account currancy is not included.

2.Lot size

To compare the gap, lot size nnd to be calculated detail and the size need to be big with acc oud balance increase.

Or size is minimum and anothe 3pair trade is added?

3.Add spread fee for the bollinger band gap.

4.This is not strategy matter, but I'd like to check the trading situation with my mobile.

Fx Info

Above site is the site wich is checklable with mobile and one of sub directry is for the trading histry.

If someone give me any comment, idea, advise or uppdate source code, that would be fine for me.





Hows this EA going. Any update