Forex Myths - page 2


Versions of Black Swans do not happen daily hundreds of times


nope , they just don't do it for instant pip

they know you would lose

so they got the whole day to bet and exit --- it is still one buy and one sell

therefore, those are the real pips spread --- and it is very huge pip spread indeed


Your writing style is a bit confusing Xxx. I am not sure what you mean by "they," but I know these micro black swan movements are due to Algo trades which occur when hundreds of these similar trading algorithms all interpret information the same way at the same time,which moves the market in unpredictable ways throughout the day.

That there are easy ways to learn everything needed to trade successfully

I agree. Some new traders now believe that learning the concept of forex is that easy. They go for live trading without proper knowledge about forex.

What are some common forex myths and on which new traders believe?

A sample of a myth is this "I can be a successful Forex trader just following someone else’s signals."Many beginning traders get burned by the blind signal-following. That’s like putting away the whole responsibility for your actions to someone else. That may sound cool, but in reality you end up with the huge losses. Learn to rely on your own knowledge and skills. Remember that there were no great signal-followers in any financial market.

Some new/aspiring traders just after facing two or three first trades, they simply and slowly fall-in believe that Trading forex is similar like Gambling on casino.

Yes, which is absolutely a myth.

Forex trading is far from gambling, as we rely much more on our trading abilities, not just on luck.

Forex requires skills mentally

Yes, which is absolutely a myth.

Forex trading is far from gambling, as we rely much more on our trading abilities, not just on luck.

Forex requires skills mentally

Hmmmm... for me forex is not gambling because it helps people to have s job. You can see now that there are lots of people who doesn't have a job right?