Anyone trade the news? - page 4


News are manipulated. Using news just for trigger not direction


Pragmatically it is believed that, every single movement of Forex market depends on economic calendar. Actually it is very risky to trade news time. But if you can follow the accurate economic calendar then you are able to make profit in spite of having risky in news time. By the way, I have been trading a reliable trading platform that provides me proper economic Calendar so I can make earn more money in news time.

rasel munna:
Pragmatically it is believed that, every single movement of Forex market depends on economic calendar. Actually it is very risky to trade news time. But if you can follow the accurate economic calendar then you are able to make profit in spite of having risky in news time. By the way, I have been trading a reliable trading platform that provides me proper economic Calendar so I can make earn more money in news time.


What would be a "proper economic Calendar"?

Does that mean that all the other sources of news are wrong?