Free tool to build your own indicator using neural networks - page 2



"Generate indicators for patterns of other indicators. Such as patterns of RSI, Stochastic, other popular indicators." This feature has been added. Give it a try.

thanks...will do


thanks...will do same

What do you mean same? Have you seen link called "Add Function" ? That is at the bottom of the page.

Once you add function (MT4 built-in indicator) then you can use it in pattern recognition.



What do you mean same? Have you seen link called "Add Function" ? That is at the bottom of the page. Once you add function (MT4 built-in indicator) then you can use it in pattern recognition.

I only see "add pattern" "function" I see it

sorry to say...but I do not understand how to use it...


Have you checked Documentation?

It is here:

Home for Enigma Patterns



Have you checked Documentation?

It is here:

Home for Enigma Patterns[/Q

will try to understand it after work:)


Your web site says ''additional features for producing more powerful indicators, Some of these additional features expected June 29th''

Can you give us more information what additional features will be added to create more poweful indicators(distance metrics? correlation dimension? etc..)

Your web site says ''additional features for producing more powerful indicators, Some of these additional features expected June 29th'' Can you give us more information what additional features will be added to create more poweful indicators(distance metrics? correlation dimension? etc..)

1. Ability to import external custom indicator. Now you can only use bar values and built-in indicators that come with MT4.

2. Ability to alter scaling mechanism. Current scaling is simple and does not allow you to specify range or anything like that. For example: if you want to specify that you are only interested in iRSI in range between 20 to 80 you can not do it now.

Correlation dimension feature is a great idea. Thank you.

I would appreciate any input, ideas and suggestions.

I like neural networks and think they are good fit for Forex trading. This is pet project done in spare time.


I can suggest dynamic time warping feature :

Dynamic time warping (DTW) is an algorithm for measuring similarity between two sequences which may vary in time or speed. For instance, similarities in walking patterns would be detected.... Dynamic time warping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Evolving Neural Network with Dynamic Time Warping and Piecewise Linear Representation System for Stock Trading Decision Making


Also you can copy some of the features (training techniques,activation functions etc..)Heaton Resarch is usingEncog Machine Learning Framework | Heaton Research

Also you can copy some of the features (training techniques,activation functions etc..)Heaton Resarch is usingEncog Machine Learning Framework | Heaton Research

Yes. I have read Heaton Research books. They are good starting point if you want to learn about Neural Networks.