Something interesting, old thread - page 44


Can it be made for metatrader 4?

This is not an indicator, nor a an Ea nor a script. This is a 128-bit hashing function as described here : Hash function - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . With a little bit of imagination it can be used to protect ones own work from changes (hacking). Authot : sergeev.

Example by the author :


CMD5Hash md5;

string str="Now it is easy to control MQL5 data integrity!";

uchar bytes[]; StringToCharArray(str, bytes, 0, StringLen(str)); // transferred string to the byte array // without the last one\0

Print(md5.Hash(bytes, ArraySize(bytes))); // print MD5-hash


It can. But if you want to use it for some protection than it is useless to make it in mql (it could be decompiled in a mater of minutes). It would be better to use a dll version of that hash function and that way the security would be at least a bit higher

Can it be made for metatrader 4?

Yeap, protection was the idea

Thanks anyway


Donchian channel for metatrader 5 (code by Swan)


Found a TEMA CCI here : Trending CCI (TEMA) | The Day Trader's Journal


Not sure what the ccitematrend is for.

eurusdh4.png  33 kb
ccitema.mq5  4 kb

Thanks for the files my friends


Easy trend visualizer

Easy trend visualizer. Coded by godzilla


QQE cloud

QQE cloud (how the fill type of drawing can be used in metatrader 5)

qqecloud.mq5  9 kb
qqe_cloud.gif  38 kb

Indicator from here : Индикатор для построения графика "Крестики - Нолики" - Статьи по MQL5 (a sort of orifgibal XO chart or renko chart) with some errors (in case when there is less bars on chart than the History parameter specifies) corrected and an option for less horizontal lines drawing added (easier to read the chart)

apfd.mq5  20 kb
xo.gif  37 kb
Indicator from here : Индикатор для построения графика "Крестики - Нолики" - Статьи по MQL5 (a sort of orifgibal XO chart or renko chart) with some errors (in case when there is less bars on chart than the History parameter specifies) corrected and an option for less horizontal lines drawing added (easier to read the chart)

Do you have a bit more info about how to use this indicator, please (a link or sth else) ? I don't read russian and don't see yet how it can be used. Thanks.