Max Chart Limit of 128 in MetaTrader 4


Dear all,

For me to able to monitor the market, I want to have many charts open. I noticed when opening the charts, that the Terminal limits the amount of charts to a max of 128.

Of course I just copied/programmed the way the charts should look (indicators...) in the profiles section of MetaTrader 4. Even if I would open them manually, I would still get the same limit.

I know that I could have another Terminal open for the remaining charts (charts 129,130,131...), but that is not a practical solution.

Additionally, I would like to let you know that my Pc's memory and cpu are capable of handling hundreds of charts.

I tried everything, including manipulating the order.wnd-file and ended up with still the same 128 charts limit.

Please help.

Thanks a lot.



It seems like a hard coded limit (128 is a "logical" value) so, if it is so, no way you can change that

Dear all,

For me to able to monitor the market, I want to have many charts open. I noticed when opening the charts, that the Terminal limits the amount of charts to a max of 128.

Of course I just copied/programmed the way the charts should look (indicators...) in the profiles section of MetaTrader 4. Even if I would open them manually, I would still get the same limit.

I know that I could have another Terminal open for the remaining charts (charts 129,130,131...), but that is not a practical solution.

Additionally, I would like to let you know that my Pc's memory and cpu are capable of handling hundreds of charts.

I tried everything, including manipulating the order.wnd-file and ended up with still the same 128 charts limit.

Please help.

Thanks a lot.

Why would MetaQuotes limit it to 128? Do you think that this is some kind of bug?



In this case I think it is not a bug but an intention (a bug in this case would be if you would have different number of charts as maximum on different tries). As far as I know every trading platform has a limit similar to this (not in similar values but that it limits the number of charts) so it is nothing new.

Similar question could be asked for drawing buffers : why just 8 drawing buffers? Again other platforms have similar restrictions but tradestation has a possibility to draw (plot) 100 values, for example. So every platform has some limitations. I am not aware of any computer program without limitations

Why would MetaQuotes limit it to 128? Do you think that this is some kind of bug?

dear mladen,

is there a solution in MT4 for this, what do I do if I need to watch more symbols than the mt4 limit, I take my trade when a set of indi's align in a particular way(ie, when I get a signal), is there a solution to watch multiple instruments, Kindly reply

dear mladen, is there a solution in MT4 for this, what do I do if I need to watch more symbols than the mt4 limit, I take my trade when a set of indi's align in a particular way(ie, when I get a signal), is there a solution to watch multiple instruments, Kindly reply

Almost any indicator can be made to show multiple symbols (see, for example, this thread : ) but if you want to have more than the limit of charts that metatrader allows, that can not be done. The only way you can do that is to have multiple instances of metatrader ruining


Thank You mladen,

I'm checking on opening multiple instances.... :-)