Metatrader known bugs ... - page 47

This is actually an old bug. It used to happen all the time in pre 600 builds when setting the indicator to clr_none; it would draw in black. I guess they cannot distinguish between CLR_NONE and Black which have the same rgb value of 0. This is why I have chosen to use black as the chart background.

Yes, but if you set the width to 1 then it works OK

It draws black histogram only for widths greater than 1


New builds : refresh does not compile the files. You have to compile from editor it or restart the terminal


And one more thing : sometimes, even though everything is 100% OK with the source (no warning, no errors ...) a bunch of files are not compiled after refresh or restart. Then you have to compile those files manually. The funniest is the you do not have to do anything to make that happen - it just happens. Metatrader decides that you do not need something


It looks like same builds from different brokers work differently

All in all, the whole thing looks like a complete mess and , if that is the case (each broker has his own version), then it will never be cleaned up and it means that adjustments made for brokers go far beyond from what we were suspecting


Build 646 random occasions where certain time frames on some currency pairs do not up date the data in MTF displays, for example GBPUSD the H1 time frame did not update the data at all for about a week then miraculously it worked, M5 EURUSD had a similar issue, yesterday any button based trading tools stopped working, they either self deleted leaving only the graphics behind or froze the platform then as suddenly as that happened they started to work again. Of course then there is the talked about issue of indicators and EA's not updating when compiled and loaded on a chart so you have to remove and reload the indicator/EA to check the code update, and not forgetting that the labels position issue is still with us and requires code alterations to resolve it and the latest problem of buttons ( build 670 ) with shift code no longer aligning as before. The #resourse code still is not working on build 670 and now some bmp files are no longer recognised? I had a situation this week where a Buy Limit order opened above the current price? and pending orders that loaded on the current price and ignored any offset, all very helpful when testing a pending order EA with some forlorn hope of ever getting a stable working environment that we can trust with real money.

I contacted a Broker and got the "No we are not aware of any issues? you are the first one to mention any issues?" another Broker informed me that they had no control of MQ platform updates ( if that were true then every Broker would update at the same time ) the same Broker informed me that build 670 solved all the issues???? its a little disturbing that build 625 now looks like it was reasonably good compared to what we are being feed with lately and it was rubbish or so we all thought at the time. Personally I am getting very tired of having to continually find patches and work a rounds to solve basic code issues that really should not exist.


This metatrader is becoming worse and worse with each new build instead of becoming better

They succeeded in making the backtester worthless peace of crap - it takes being very "smart" to be able to do that


I do not know if that is just a case with me, but when I have new metatrader 4 and firefox opened at the same time, metatrader frequently messes up firefox display. It does not happen with any other app when I work in firefox.


Happens to me sometimes too but I thought that it is due to new firefox - honestly

Happens to me sometimes too but I thought that it is due to new firefox - honestly

It happens to me most often after I compile something and then switch to firefox. Did not notice that it happens when I work only in firefox

And one more thing : sometimes, even though everything is 100% OK with the source (no warning, no errors ...) a bunch of files are not compiled after refresh or restart. Then you have to compile those files manually. The funniest is the you do not have to do anything to make that happen - it just happens. Metatrader decides that you do not need something

I did not notice that, but I already mentioned that sometimes the updated #include file does not include with the updated content when compiling, but rather with the previous old version (which is not there). And after this happens once, it keeps happening until I re-save the include file.
