Binary Options Articles - page 6


Progress? Obama To Talk to Republicans?

Obama to talk to Republicans

The U.S. markets avoided a three day losing streak but the Washington stalemate dampened any gains.

As the shutdown enters its tenth day, President Obama is making plans to talk with Republicans at the Whitehouse. There is talk to allow, possibly, a short term increase of the debt limit to give negotiations more time with the broader issues concerning the budget.

In other news, Obama announced, officially, his nomination for the next Federal Reserve Board Chair. Current Vice Chair Dr. Janet Yellen will replace ben Bernanke. She is a dove like Bernanke who favors a soft monetary policy and investors are expecting here to follow in Bernanke’s tracks to take a slow route in tapering back the bond buying stimulus program.


The DJIA eked out a small gain of 25 points to close above 14,800 at 14,802.98. Earlier in the day the Blue Chip Index was near a three month low. The S&P 500 was virtually flat as it closed up 0.95 points to end the day at 1,656.40. The Nasdaq Composite lost 17 points closing at 3,677.78. This is its worst three day losing streak in over three months as investors are repositioning themselves out of riskier tech stocks.

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Hi Traders,

For those of you who are interested in understanding Japanese candlestick charts, you'll find here a detailed article (including Infographic).

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Abenomics Must Succeed or Emerging Markets Will Suffer

Japan is in the middle of an ambitious plan to get its battered economy out of the deflationary rut it has been in for almost a decade. If it falls flat this year and fails, the entire region especially the emerging markets will be affected.

The first two parts of Abenomics has worked well as we have seen the creation of inflation and economic growth. However, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe faces his toughest challenge, part three. It is called structural reform. There is also some fears the tax hike in April will hurt the recovery to a point of it being unrepairable.

Emerging Markets at Risk

If the yen continues to depreciate and goes into high gear, the impact will be felt on the emerging markets and their exports to Japan. Especially if their own currencies depreciate. This happened in mid-2013 as the fears of US taper of its asset purchases hit the region hard. The most extreme scenario is the tax hike pushes Japan back into recession. The Bank of Japan (BOJ) will be forced to increase its asset purchases, and weakening the yen even further.


Watch the Daily Market Watch Video for a Quick Roundup of Markets


Market Watch Video – Euro and US PMI on Jan 23, 2014

There’s a busy day ahead on the economic calendar, besides continuing corporate earnings reports. Following disappointing PMI data from China released early today, we have industrial output data from the Eurozone and preliminary PMI from the US.


End Of Day Trading Strategy For Binary Options

To trade successfully, you got to have a good strategy. It can’t be said enough. We’re not here to lecture you though and granted good trading strategies need time to evolve. Many traders find that within the bounds of their busy trading they find such a task difficult to accomplish. End of Day trading simply means concentrating your trading activities after the close of New York financial markets. Between the period from the close of the New York markets and the start of the Europe session, there is a long gap of relatively quiet trading (Asian Session). With little activities in the markets, traders can best use this time to analyze their charts and formulate their trading decisions for the day ahead.

End of Day Trading: More Efficient Use Of Time

This trading strategy allows traders to fit their trading activities around their normal day work schedule. Unless you are a full time trader, it is difficult to sit and watch the markets all day long. In fact, there is a risk of over trading if a trader was to stay glued to his trading station all day. Studies have shown that on the average, low frequency traders are more profitable in the long run than those who trade more frequently.

Better Clarity

With this trading strategy, there are less clutter or noise and this gives traders a better environment for them to decide if there is a signal or not. Signals which are obtained during this trading period have more probability than signals obtained during intra-day trading. This is because traders do not have to sift through the mountain of insignificant price actions. Many traders become confused and frustrated because they get clouded from over analyzing the market.



Unemployment Rate Can Force Yellen’s Hand

Incoming Fed Chair Janet Yellen

The rapid fall in the unemployment rate will make reshaping the U.S. Federal Reserve’s promise of easy money a top priority for incoming Fed Chair Dr. Janet Yellen. She will probably avoid tying policy to specific labor targets going forward.

Over a year ago, former Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke promised to keep rates at record lows until the unemployment rate fell to 6.5 percent. This was pledge that policy makers had hoped would hold until sometime around mid-2015.

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Yellen Begins Her Congressional Testimony and Sees Many Positives Yellen Begins Her C

Yellen Begins Her Congressional Testimony

The new chair of the Federal Reserve Bank, Dr. Janet Yellen has begun her very first testimony to the U.S. Congress. She has, right out of the starting gate, promised less money printing and to continue the policy of low interest rates.

These are her first public remarks since taking over the reins from Ben Bernanke last month and she is very optimistic about the state of the recovery for the U.S. economy. Her projections for unemployment and inflation are quite upbeat. In her testimony before the House Financial Services Committee she feels the recovery has gained traction, especially in the second half of 2013.

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