Metatrader 4 build 418 ... - page 10

:):):):) I simply could not resist to put those smileys in the upper line. The newest announcement :

More and more bugs?


What I was reading about 427:

Вы путаете, мы ведем доработки МТ4. Вот сегодня выпустили 427 билд, который включает новые функции Push нотификаций на iPhone/Android терминалы MetaTrader 4. Теперь трейдеры могут легко и бесплатно отсылать уведомления из экспертов на свои мобильники. Нет больше мучений и расходов с SMS.

It means - they are fixing MT4 and on the same time - this new build will have some options to send sms to any mobile phone about anything (trades and so on) withiout paying money for that ... no idea how they did it ... because there are a lot of mobile phone providers ... anyway ... it is what 427 build about.

As I know - FXCM broker did something related to social networks ... so ... soon or later - many brokers will have this sms function as "their own" ...

I am still updating my 409 builds for elite servers ...

The main problems are the following:

the customers/clients for MetaQuotes are the brokers,

and traders (we are) are the customers for brokers ... so ...

we are not "on the same page of this story" ...

but brokers (most of them especially from the US) do not have the forums to discuss ... and we (traders) are having the forums ... so ... concerning Metaquotes' opinion - we are no where ...



Just posting this to remind that from June 1st 2012 metatrader 4 builds lower than 416 will not be able to connect to accounts. Since it is on Friday, take care not to suffer any losses if anybody is working on a real account with a version prior to build 416


Hi there.. No more beta 427 ..

As you can see, if set free the liveupdate , we get 4.27 version now.


Yes, you are right - I upgraded FXCM Metatraders to 427 right now ...


special question outside purpose of 418 files..

Yes, you are right - I upgraded FXCM Metatraders to 427 right now ...

Hi Mr Digital,

I profit "seiing" you in this thread to ask a question, if you agree.

Well . As I'm really new here, I know it is perhaps difficult or forbidden regarding your rules and my too fresh arriving.

Anyway, the fact is that when I have find this site, I've been immediatly "filled" by the fair and sharing atmosphere that predominate here, and I like it really.

So, in fact, I should like to open a thread, my thread as you say about one subject to study , one project to make in respect of my "structural way" as start regulation. ( It is not about ordering or command anything, I think you understand what I mind, just to structure a project ".

There is a lot thing that nobody can assure in market.

But there is one that I can, that I must affirm :

How it is possible to see 99 % of the EA on the free trade's web beiing so dangerous ?

My project would be to build an "empty EA", without setup, but with a simple "order's trade Array" witch will be able to be activate by any filter or set-up that each guys would use in the future.

It will be a professionnal one , as they used in bank , or other structurals administration, management, officialdom.. and so on.

This is my project, no set-up, no indy, no trade EA, just first : build a solid and safe Truck to be able driving in secure throught the market.

So , let you thinking about that, I'm going to do it my self anyway, if I 'm not the best in coding, I'm able to go slowly, whith secure, but I live in a small Polynesian Island where everybody is very remote from the word of trading and it would be a real pleasure to share with members and conduct this project step by step.

Kinds regards,



You can start the thread.

if it is interesting so the coders will help you.

Just take onto consideration the following threads as the starting points:

Templates to create EAs and Indicators:

- some good templates are here;

- templates with some new codes are here.

- Programming Modules with many programming functions are here.

- function of "mql4 code": thread with codes.

Those threads are mainly for coders but you can mention those threads in case someone will want to help for example.

You can start the thread. if it is interesting so ......

hey :-) ! Thank you so much ... well, I'll do it, and hoping this will interresting, guys who want to know how

begins an Ea or, other how to organize that .

thank's a lot again, good week-end .



So far no reported errors in build 427

One nice addition : instead of guessing if the brokers is ECN or not now with MarketInfo's MODE_STOPLEVEL and MODE_FREEZELEVEL we can find it out. They should be 0 for ECN broker



One more reminder : whoever is using metatrader 4 build prior to 416 has 2 more days (till June the 1st 2012) to upgrade to at least build 416 or problems with connecting to broker (no connection) and some other problems will happen. If someone wants the build 416 itself, here is a link for a build 416 terminal.exe :