Metatrader 4 build 418 ... - page 9



I do not know what to make of this but this appeared at metatrader site today and I am passing it as is:

Потестируйте 425 тестовый билд на, пожалуйста.

Translation :

Test build 425on please


I do not know what to make of this but this appeared at metatrader site today and I am passing it as is: Translation :

Time machine?!

I do not know what to make of this but this appeared at metatrader site today and I am passing it as is:....

..., As in ChampionChip,"" , isn't it the server were to be connected to be able to beta test

Version 4.25 ??



Yes, metatrader 4 build 425

I was rubbing my eyes for a couple of moments. It is clearly saying 425

..., As in ChampionChip,"" , isn't it the server were to be connected to be able to beta test Version 4.25 ??
425.gif  5 kb

I do not know about 425 anything but I found the following:

they say that they will stop supporting Metatrader 4 with build below 416, and they will stop it since 1 of June ...

It means the following: Metatrader 4 with build less than 416 will not be able to connect with the servers (since 1 of June).



It seems that they are having some problems with direct updating to build 425 (yes it si the build 425, as seen on picture), but thanks to puruchik (again ), here is a direct link to terminal build 425 if someone wants to test it — RGhost — file sharing . To make it work, replace terminal.exe with the one from that zipped file

425_1.gif  16 kb

Well ...

Metatraders can be updated to build 419 for now: most easy to do with IBFX (they are having link to update - just go to Terminal window and click on MailBox), and for FXCM (as usually - with no problem). Alpari UK - no problem for updating (just restart metatrader). Alpari NZ Metatrader can be updated too but it took some time for me - in some cases it is not updated from current account so I had to create new demo just to update only and come back to original current account with updated build 419.

That's all news.



Yes, it is not an "official" version yet, it is in a beta-test phase

Build 425 should be used strictly for testing (do not use it on real account, not just yet)

Well ...

Metatraders can be updated to build 419 for now: most easy to do with IBFX (they are having link to update - just go to Terminal window and click on MailBox), and for FXCM (as usually - with no problem). Alpari UK - no problem for updating (just restart metatrader). Alpari NZ Metatrader can be updated too but it took some time for me - in some cases it is not updated from current account so I had to create new demo just to update only and come back to original current account with updated build 419.

That's all news.

Yes, I know it.

I just explained about what I did in the morning for elite section servers (IBFX, FXCM, Alpari UK and Alpari NZ; if some broker need for me to test/trade by their Metatrader - let me know by this thread).



I simply could not resist to put those smileys in the upper line. The newest announcement :

New Versions of MetaTrader 4 Components build 427