Is forex market controlled by someone? - page 43


Fuc... banks

How to fuc... banks?

I am using several strategis for a few months.

All of them are acurate but... banks.

They puts milions of US on the market in a moment and there is no indicator that can predict this "stone to the slow waiving weather". Known well.


And all of us are here affords by some kind of marketing (bait) to be a flash for this banks because thay need new blud all the time.

That is why the Forex was developped and later, when forex was expoited from brains, binary options. Next will be "send sms Put/Call, do not thing, do not watch, belive your guru in yourself".

The idea is to bring to the feeding more and more idiots as we all are.

We are happy when "I earn a few USD and one milions peoples like me lost millions in the same time".

Who earns this millins in the same time?

We are searching for a holy grail indicator/strategy which will earn.

Every one strategy will fail when banks wonts to earn because it is thair market and thay will deceive all of us in any moment thay wont to.

Do you agree that you can not predict the market when banks makes harvests, decides to eat our money on the table?

We are like sheeps happy that wolves ate another sheep not us.

Do you thing that you are the only one who will win although all arround loses? I am the second one next to you or mayby the first.

In mine observations banks use to harvest our blood sometimes in every 5 minutes.

So, how to kill those creatures in their own and created for their own interest market?


We can not change anything

Regulatory bodies are doing the same thing in all the markets : enabling the banks to do whatever they want. System is showing its true face now when they have 100% control of media : big brother is here


Check last Monday

And check today

Whoever thinks that forex is not controlled after these two examples should not trade forex - run for you life in that case

Check last Monday

And check today

Whoever thinks that forex is not controlled after these two examples should not trade forex - run for you life in that case


Those are just the morons from ECB and SNB that forgot to turn the printing machines off


Dear China, This Is How You Rig A Market Higher

It seems China better hurry up and a) enable HFT on Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses, and b) enable options trading directly...

Dare we suggest, someone got a tap on the shoulder to make sure this does not come apart...


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Greek debt crisis: Goldman Sachs could be sued for helping hide debts when it joined

Goldman Sachs faces the prospect of potential legal action from Greece over the complex financial deals in 2001 that many blame for its subsequent debt crisis.

A leading adviser to debt-riven countries has offered to help Athens recover some of the vast profits made by the investment bank.

The Independent has learnt that a former Goldman banker, who has advised indebted governments on recovering losses made from complex transactions with banks, has written to the Greek government to advise that it has a chance of clawing back some of the hundreds of millions of dollars it paid Goldman to secure its position in the single currency.

The development came as Greece edged towards a last-minute deal with its creditors which will keep it from crashing out of the single currency.

The deal is based on fresh economic reform proposals submitted by Athens which bear a striking similarity to the creditors’ offer rejected by the Greek people in a referendum last Sunday – sparking claims that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has effectively executed a huge U-turn in order to avoid a catastrophic “Grexit”.

Greece managed to keep within the strict Maastricht rules for eurozone membership largely because of complex financial deals created by the investment bank which critics say disguised the extent of the country’s outstanding debts.

Goldman Sachs is said to have made as much as $500m from the transactions known as “swaps”. It denies that figure but declines to say what the correct one is.

The banker who stitched it together, Oxford-educated Antigone Loudiadis, was reportedly paid up to $12m in the year of the deal. Now Jaber George Jabbour, who formerly designed swaps at Goldman, has told the Greek government in a formal letter that it could “right historical wrongs as part of plan to reduce Greece’s debt”.

Mr Jabbour successfully assisted Portugal in renegotiating complex trades naively done with London banks during the financial crisis. His work helped trigger a parliamentary inquiry and cost many senior officials and politicians their jobs. It also triggered major compensation payments by banks to the Portuguese taxpayer.

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Goldman Sacs will not be sued : all that can happen is that they sacrifice Draghi


Fed's Potter says public trust in FX markets has been damaged

New York Fed's Simon Potter talking FX

  • Best practices is needed
  • Damage to integrity is not easily undone
  • FX industry must ensure that market integrity is upheld
  • Unclear if technology helps FX pricing

The New York Fed publishes a "best practices" guide for the FX market which is well worth a read if you have issues with your broker


Five Major Banks Agree to Parent-Level Guilty Pleas

Five major banks – Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Barclays PLC, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and UBS AG – have agreed to plead guilty to felony charges. Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Barclays PLC, and The Royal Bank of Scotland plc have agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to manipulate the price of U.S. dollars and euros exchanged in the foreign currency exchange (FX) spot market and the banks have agreed to pay criminal fines totaling more than $2.5 billion. A fifth bank, UBS AG, has agreed to plead guilty to manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other benchmark interest rates and pay a $203 million criminal penalty, after breaching its December 2012 non-prosecution agreement resolving the LIBOR investigation.

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, Assistant Attorney General Bill Baer of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Assistant Director in Charge Andrew G. McCabe of the FBI’s Washington Field Office and Director Aitan Goelman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division made the announcement.

“Today’s historic resolutions are the latest in our ongoing efforts to investigate and prosecute financial crimes, and they serve as a stark reminder that this Department of Justice intends to vigorously prosecute all those who tilt the economic system in their favor; who subvert our marketplaces; and who enrich themselves at the expense of American consumers,” said Attorney General Lynch. “The penalty these banks will now pay is fitting considering the long-running and egregious nature of their anticompetitive conduct. It is commensurate with the pervasive harm done. And it should deter competitors in the future from chasing profits without regard to fairness, to the law, or to the public welfare.”

Five Major Banks Agree to Parent-Level Guilty Pleas | OPA | Department of Justice


Nice. Paying "criminal penalty" but no criminal treatment - instead adjust the law so they can continue