Opinions on current (2012) crisis ...


Surfing the net for some more info (as usual ) ...

Found this one to be informative (even more than it was probably intended to).



And this one (continued from previous post)



"If you torture Soros long enough, he will confess"



Did you actually watch it? "Regulated market" ????

As I said : he told more than one would expect, and coming from him it even can be taken as an announcement

"If you torture Soros long enough, he will confess"


I am at work...and have no speakers over here:)...will watch it when I get home...(sure they are up to no good:)

(the Market has been regulated for quite a while, wasn't it?)



They used to be long time ago and in systems with different names ...

I am at work...and have no speakers over here:)...will watch it when I get home...(sure they are up to no good:) (the Market has been regulated for quite a while, wasn't it?)