Practical ,,Hedging" against Currency reform during trading?



this thread isnt about the probabilities of a deflation / inflation scenario etc...

I think Gold is a good hedge against inflation/ uncertainty or maybe even in deflation times,where uncertainty and willingness to buy gold beats deflation consequences or the deflation is short-lived and followed by an inflation (thanks to Helicopter-Ben).

As I live in the Euro-Zone, I (have to) think about an breakup of the Euro in an Hardzone- & Weakzone-Euro, national currencies, etc..

My point here is not to discuss this (although constructive comments arent refused), but to talk about the arrangements to the scenario.

Actually, I have already bought physical gold, etc.. but my problem is:

If I want to continue trading, what are the best hedges of my deposit?

One idea of mine was to buy Gold/Usd and Sell Eur/Usd amounting to my deposit, so I can trade, but are somehow also invested in gold with my money ( margins are negligible).

The problems starts when it comes to a currency reform:

Can my gold position fully compensate the effects of a reform if it is a real reform, not only a currency change ( thus paper money is used to lessen national debt) ?

(Tip: In the German currency refom in 1948 closed liabilities were changed in the ratio of 10:1, current liabilities: 1:1, cash and deposits: 100:6,5 and national debt was priced to 0)

Will my Gold position rise the same relative amount as the Euro will fall or will the Euro vanish, the Euro/ Usd change to Dem/Usd and my deposit and my trades be priced in a bad ratio ?

Has anyone experience with the real effects of currency reforms to open positions which are priced in the affected currency?
