What type of trader are you? - page 2


I am a Fundamental trader and i always look for the markets and the news before doing any trading activity. This also makes me hold on to the trades for longer duration typically lasting more than 12 hrs.


I am a hardcore scalper.

90% scalper and 10% swinger.


I'm a swing trader and at times i do hold a trade for weeks so i guess thats a position trader, I used to scalp when i first started forex, and i scalped a lot with hotforex but it was time consuming and i sucked at scalping so i found out that swinging was more of my trading style


I am a day trader because I can not wait for months or weeks.


Got to say I love trend trading, although occasional counter trend I go for.




And you will upload your trading system and your indicators to our forum ...


Or you just flooding here?


Dear Mr. Administrator,

I wouldadmit that I'm just really new to trading and cannot participate muchin the discussion because my ample knowledge hinders me. But I'm nothere to flood but to learn whatever I could gather and comprehend. Iwas advised to join a forum by a neighbor, who I had recentlyconversed with and was surprised to find out that he was into trading forquite sometime now, to get-in to the discussion because it won't hurtto gather some new friends that could later help me in my trading.Barely few months ago, I started to attempt to enter the complicatedworld of Forex with just my self-researched knowledge and anencouragement from the same neighbor that I mentioned earlier. If ever I'm causing a jam in yoursystem, I'm sorry but may I ask you to please bear with me while Iexplore this new world that I had just discovered. Thankyou.




may be - you are new to forex but you are not new to internet flooding.

We had discussion about it right?

Here: www.forex-tsd.com/non-related-discussions/19286-why-my-thread-deleted-without-any-notice.html with images ...

if you will not stop it - I will ban you permanently.

If you want to know about internet flooding and spam more - go to this thread:


I think - you were reading this thread .. because one of your post (deleted by me from this thread) was something as 'Wow" or "Cool"

One more internet flood - and I will ban you permanently.


Yes I think I have visited those sitesbefore but didn't pay too much attention because it didn't cross my mind that I would be branded as one. My apologies for that. I wouldre-read that thread again to prevent further conflict. Thank you.