Ras id 32301 big ben strategy


The first month of the new year 2011 is over and we closed the month with a profit. Not so much but I closed with 1.5% and I nearly covered the loss of 1.85% from December.

My total gain now after 148 days trading this strategy is 47%.

In December I reduced my risk per trade to 1% and I changed to 2% from 24th January 2011.

You see how important it is to manage your trades with your proper Money Management.

I'll keep trading now with 2% risk. I will advise you when I change back to 3%.

My statement at MT Intelligence | States BIG BEN

BIG BEN | Rent a Signal



The more I surf on rentasignal the more I get suprised!

So if I want to make some stupid scamming money I buy myself an EA for 97$ (change it just a little bit--but even leave the T/P and S/L the same) and then rent the signals that this EA gives, here on rentasignal for 59$/month!!

Here you can follow the results of the commercial EA : MT4i - Forex Morning Trade - BestForexRobots.net (S/L and T/P are even the same)

When I start to think about it..... Just buy every possible EA that is making some money and to get your money back of the EA you just rent the signals that the EA makes here on rentasignal....

Man oh man, we have not seen the last of RAS or the people who rent signals on RAS



Big ben strategy

Yes it is a bought system. And is there something bad about? I bought this system and now I trade it and give other traders the possibility to follow me and make the same profit I do.

Most of the system here in RAS are bought systems or EA's, or do you think each system here is a unique one and developed by the provider. I don't know where you are located , but here in Europe we not call this scamming Money, we call this free market economy. Anyone can buy a product or knowledge and can sell it again.

If you study my performance MT4i-Statement you will notice that my trading style is a bit different like the original system. I use one more indicator for the entry and my exit rule as well are different and that is why I have a better result like the original.

Everybody is free to do what he what, so feel free and go and buy the EA.

I am happy with my trading and I have a lot follower they are happy as well to make the same money I do.

May you've heard about the following shocking experiment:

Ralph Vince is a well known financial investor. He performed a very famous experiment known as theRalph Vince experiment. He took 40 PhD. students and set them up to trade with a computer game.

Now, these forty people all had doctorates, but Mr. Vince made sure that none of their doctorates involved any sort of background in mathematical statistics or trading. In the game, they were given $1,000 and 100 trades, with a 60% winning percentage. The rules were simple. When they won, they won the amount of money they risked. When they lost, they lost the amount of money they risked. So, after all 40 students had completed their 100 trades, how many do you think made money?

Only two students out of 40 were able to make money, the other 38 failed to succeed.

Recall: they had 60% winning percentage. I means that they won 6 trades from 10 in average. The odds were in their favour, so why they lost money? Why only two students out of forty were able to win?

It doesn't make any sense!

You see and this is why for some people is better just to follow a trader and they are happy!

Have a great day!



Big ben strategy

Yes you are right. But many people feel more comfortable and like to receive just signals and make good profit. I am as well a Affiliate of Morning Trade. So if somebody ask my where he can buy the product I will tell him. I make no secret about that. As I sad I trade a bit different like the original Morning Trade Software.

I am completely with you about the Rolex from Turkey. But we have here in Istanbul as well-known jewelry store where you can buy a real Rolex.

Thank you for the nice conversation.

Have a great day.
