TheCubeFX | RAS ID 33354 - page 4


USD in down channel

The EURUSD has been in a down channel as of the beginning of Feb and it looks as if the pattern will continue if we can find more resistance. Next support at 1.3430 and after that.... we will have to see...

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Missing Trades


I've just picked up that two very important trades are missing from my RAS History. This worries me as it might mean that my subscriber/s did not get these two trades.

Please check you history on 16.02 and make sure you did get the two trades I've marked in the attachment. I've also send message to RAS in order to find out why it's not in my history. Due to this my account stats is not correct and I'm hoping this should be fixed shortly.



Week 4

Here are my results after 4 weeks. My risk is down to 2% probability of 10% loss with 0% chance of loosing 20% ( see attached pic ). Profit so far just under 70% with draw down still less than 20%.

Have a great weekend all!

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Gold and Crude

As many of you will know, if you read through the thread, is that I have a live account at AVAFX and I use it to trade Gold and CrudeOil.

So if any of you are looking to expand your portfolio I can recommend these two, as it's really not that hard to trade. Keep your nose in the news and your eyes on the charts and most importantly - wait - the charts will show you what to do.

Attached is a weekly chart of CrudeOil that has just broken through a weekly channel....

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Eurusd d1

Attached is a screen capture of the EURUSD D1 chart. As you can see we are approaching two resistance lines. I'm thinking if not to day then tomorrow we will pick up some good pips here...

As always risk is important to me. Many will differ when looking at my trading volumes, but keep in mind that I have a tight stop loss and so far it's been working very well. Currently I'm running a 1.4% chance of loosing 10% of my capital according to my Risk Analysis, which I'm very happy with.

ROI for January was 26% and currently February has a roi of 35.85%. Max draw down according to MyFxBook is 18.73%, which I'm not happy about and I'm working very hard to make sure I keep the draw down below 10%.


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Current Status

Hi all,

Just a quick update on my portfolio. Current risk conditions - 1.2% chance of a 10% account loss and 0% of a 20% account loss.

Profit for the month of Feb so far is 54.96%. This differs from my RAS stats as I have 2 trades that is for some reason not reflecting in my RAS History.

I control the risk by trading with tight stop loss and I think so far it's working pretty well. I also slightly increased my tp to accommodate for slippage as well as the lag between RAS and the broker. Min tp is now 15 and depending on conditions I increase the tp to 20 or even 30. This was actually tested through the month of Feb and having only one subscriber, I'm hoping we can get some feedback regarding this matter.


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Week 5

I've just closed my last trade for the week and this brings me to the end of week 5. Profit for the month of Feb is standing at 45%, which I'm hapy with as my goal has been set at 20% - 40% per month. Risk analysis by MT4i shows a 0.9% risk of loosing 10% account balance. I've managed to bring that down from 3.2% recorded earlier in February.

As always you can have an in depth look at my trading statistics over at MyFxBook.

Have a great weekend all !


Price Action

My price action strategy has been working great these last few trades and I would like to share it with you. Risk is now down to 0.8% chance of loosing 10% account balance and 0% of loosing 20%.

My last 20 trades I had only 4 loosing trades, which is a result of me trying not to over trade my account ( which I use to do in the past ). Daily profit currently at 2.3%, which is above my target so we will see that coming down slightly.

In week 6 and still a lot of work left to get to the top 10 on the leaderboard. I'm hoping to get there by end April 2011, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, taking it one day at a time.



Up and Down

What a day!!!

Anyway, got out with a nice profit at the end is all that counts!

Current acc balance is $21,159, which means the next orders will be open with lot size 2.10. Please adjust your lots_multiplier if you like trading with less risk.



MyFxBook Contest

As many of you know the FXOpen contest started today over at MyFxBook. I'm also taking part in this contest, but please take note, I'm not trading TheCube strategy in this contest.

If you look at the previous contest you will notice that in order to win this contest you have to trade HIGH RISK all the time. The winner of the previous contest made a wopping 4043% profit!

So, my strategy for this contest is: "Go Big or Go Home"

If I don't blow up I'll make some nice profits... :-)
