InstaForex Wave Analysis - page 145


EUR/JPY Intraday Technical Analysis


Breakout BUY Level: 1.3111.

Strong Resistance: 1.3104.

Original Resistance: 1.3092.

Inner Sell Area: 1.3079.

Target Inner Area: 1.3048.

Inner Buy Area: 1.3016.

Original Support: 1.3004.

Strong Support: 1.2991.

Breakout SELL Level: 1.2984.


Today EUR/USD has support and resistance at 1.3004 and 1.3092. The rate is accompanied by strong support at 1.2991 and by 1.3104 as strong resistance.

If EUR/USD breaks out and closes below 1.2984 level today, then it will indicate considerable bearish strength. Meanwhile, if EUR/USD manages to break out and close above 1.3111 level, then it will denote high bullish strength. Alternatively, for advance traders, you can trade in a way to open a BUY position at the level of 1.3016 and at 1.3079, a SELL position. In this case both targets should be located at the level of 1.3048.

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USD/JPY Intraday Technical Levels for December 5, 2012


Resistance 3: 82.49.

Resistance 2: 82.33.

Resistance 1: 82.16.

Support 1: 81.97.

Support 2: 81.81.

Support 3: 81.64.


Please, pay attention to the levels of support 3 (81.64) and resistance 3 (82.49). In general, when a level is touched, USD/JPY will rebound from the previous minimum by 10 to 20 pips, but if the levels are broken through by over 50 pips, then it will be a sign that these currencies have found trends today.

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EUR/USD Intraday Technical Levels for December 6, 2012


Breakout BUY Level: 1.3118.

Strong Resistance: 1.3111.

Original Resistance: 1.3098.

Inner Sell Area: 1.3085.

Target Inner Area: 1.3054.

Inner Buy Area: 1.3023.

Original Support: 1.3010.

Strong Support: 1.2997.

Breakout SELL Level: 1.2989.


Today EUR/USD has support and resistance at 1.3010 and 1.3098. The rate is accompanied by strong support at 1.2997 and by 1.3111 as strong resistance.

If EUR/USD breaks out and closes below 1.2958 level today, then it will indicate considerable bearish strength. Meanwhile, if EUR/USD manages to break out and closes above 1.3118 level, then it will denote high bullish strength. Alternatively, for advance traders, you can trade in a way to open a BUY position at the level of 1.3023 and at 1.3085, a SELL position. In this case both targets should be located at the level of 1.3054.

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USD/JPY Intraday Technical Levels for December 7, 2012


Resistance 3: 82.93.

Resistance 2: 82.75.

Resistance 1: 82.59.

Support 1: 82.38.

Support 2: 82.22.

Support 3: 82.06.


Please, pay attention to the levels of support 3 (82.06) and resistance 3 (82.91). In general, when a level is touched, USD/JPY will rebound from the previous minimum by 10 to 20 pips, but if the levels are broken through by over 50 pips, then it will be a sign that these currencies have found trends today.

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EUR/USD Intraday Technical Levels for December 10, 2012


Breakout BUY Level: 1.2966.
Strong Resistance: 1.2958.
Original Resistance: 1.2947.
Inner Sell Area: 1.2935.
Target Inner Area: 1.2904.
Inner Buy Area: 1.2873.
Original Support: 1.2861.
Strong Support: 1.2848.
Breakout SELL Level: 1.2841.


Today EUR/USD has support and resistance at 1.2861 and 1.2947. The rate is accompanied by strong support at 1.2848 and by 1.2958 as strong resistance.

If EUR/USD breaks out and closes below 1.2841 level today, then it will indicate considerable bearish strength. Meanwhile, if EUR/USD manages to break out and closes above 1.2966 level, then it will denote high bullish strength. Alternatively, for advance traders, you can trade in a way to open a BUY position at the level of 1.2873 and at 1.2935, a SELL position. In this case both targets should be located at the level of 1.2904.

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Silver Short-term Resistance Seen At 33.65/70

Technical Outlook and Chart Setups:

A 4H view has been presented here today. As depicted here, intermediary support remains at 32.50 level followed by 32.00 and 30.80 respectively; while resistance is at 35.00/10 levels. Please note that the larger trend remains bullish, but a retracement or further pullback still possible towards 31.50 levels. Key levels to watch in the near term are 32.50 and 32.00. Hence it is recommended to keep booking smaller profit cycles at the moment. Immediate resistance is seen around the 33.65/70 mark, which could be reached today or in the short term.

Trading Recommendation:

Exit long positions (taken last week) at 33.60/65 and stop is below 32.50.

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EUR/USD Intraday Technical Levels for December 12, 2012


Breakout BUY Level: 1.3060.

Strong Resistance: 1.3052.

Original Resistance: 1.3040.

Inner Sell Area: 1.3027.

Target Inner Area: 1.2997.

Inner Buy Area: 1.2966.

Original Support: 1.2954.

Strong Support: 1.2941.

Breakout SELL Level: 1.2934.


Today EUR/USD has support and resistance at 1.2954 and 1.3040. The rate is accompanied by strong support at 1.2941 and by 1.3052 as strong resistance.

If EUR/USD breaks out and closes below 1.2934 level today, then it will indicate considerable bearish strength. Meanwhile, if EUR/USD manages to break out and closes above 1.3060 level, then it will denote high bullish strength. Alternatively for advance traders, you can trade in a way to open a BUY position at the level of 1.2966 and at 1.3027, a SELL position. In this case both targets should be located at the level of 1.2997.

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GBP/USD Intraday Technical Analysis

The spot rate approaches the upper limit of its medium-term bullish channel at 1.6180 suggesting a decline. However, a break of these levels will initiate a more violent bullish channel.

Technical indicators provide buy signals, but until the resistance is not broken the assumption of a decline is most likely. Bollinger bands are much discarded as a result of a strong increase these days. Stabilization is expected in the short term.

The spot rate is currently testing the upper limit of its channel, we suggest 2 scenarios. The first one is the hypothesis of a decline where we recommend a sell on the level of 1.6180 with the 1st objective at 1.6120 and then at 1.6100. A breakthrough of 1.6200 will invalidate this scenario. The second scenario is a break of its resistance where we advise a “buy stop” which means to buy the spot rate as soon as it is broken through its resistance of 1.6180 with the 1st objective at 1.6240 and then at 1.6260. A breakthrough of 1.6160 will invalidate this scenario.

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EUR/USD Intraday Technical Levels for December 14, 2012


Breakout BUY Level: 1.3129.

Strong Resistance: 1.3120.

Original Resistance: 1.3109.

Inner Sell Area: 1.3096.

Target Inner Area: 1.3065.

Inner Buy Area: 1.3033.

Original Support: 1.3021.

Strong Support: 1.3008.

Breakout SELL Level: 1.2990.


Today EUR/USD has support and resistance at 1.3021 and 1.3109. The rate is accompanied by strong support at 1.3008 and by 1.3120 as strong resistance. If EUR/USD breaks out and closes below 1.2990 level today, then it will indicate considerable bearish strength. Meanwhile, if EUR/USD manages to break out and closes above 1.3129 level, then it will denote high bullish strength. Alternatively, for advance traders, you can trade in a way to open a BUY position at the level of 1.3033 and at 1.3096, a SELL position. In this case both targets should be located at the level of 1.3065.

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EUR/JPY Intraday Technical Analysis

The spot rate approaches the intermediate resistance of its long-term bearish channel at 111.80. It seems a decline was initiated. However, a break of these levels will free a large potential and reach the upper limit of its channel at 119.80.

Technical indicators provide buy signals, but until the resistance is not broken the assumption of a decline is most likely. Bollinger bands have stabilized showing a more regular volatility.

The spot rate is currently testing the intermediate resistance of its channel, we suggest 2 scenarios. The first one is the hypothesis of a decline where we recommend a sell on the level of 111.80 with the 1st objective at 111.20 and then at 111.00. A breakthrough of 112.00 will invalidate this scenario. The second scenario is a break of its resistance where we advise a “buy stop” which means to buy the spot rate as soon as it is broken through its resistance of 111.80 with the 1st objective at 112.40 and then at 112.60. A breakthrough of 111.60 will invalidate this scenario.

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