Indicators with alerts/signal - page 1238

Would you please add arrows and alerts when the 50 line is crossed.

If possible add email also.

Thank you

TraderWill, added the arrows and alerts to a version I have it's the same but IMHO much better code wise.



Thanks Mrtools, However your version is not crossing the 50 line at the same place.

eurusdem30.png  35 kb
Thanks Mrtools, However your version is not crossing the 50 line at the same place.

What mrtools posted is a pre-filtered version

This is a version that does not use pre-filtering (and which gives exactly the same results) : rsx_alerts__arrows_1.mq4


help me please give arrow for this indicator


hp.mq4  4 kb
help me please give arrow for this indicator hp.mq4

Even though it is a decomplied code, since I see that it is using "absolutely no lag lwma". better to avoid it ("absolutely no lag lwma" was vreated by me as a joke, see this post for more explanation : )


Hello Dear Mladen and Bill.

Thank you that opened the advanced section for all. Hopefully this will not bring you any inconvenience.

I'm looking for indicator, which simply will turn the price on the chart. Maybe you know something like that

Hello Dear Mladen and Bill.

Thank you that opened the advanced section for all. Hopefully this will not bring you any inconvenience.

I'm looking for indicator, which simply will turn the price on the chart. Maybe you know something like that


I am not sure of this is what you are looking for, but check it out :

Hello Dear Mladen and Bill.

Thank you that opened the advanced section for all. Hopefully this will not bring you any inconvenience.

I'm looking for indicator, which simply will turn the price on the chart. Maybe you know something like that

Why would that bring inconvenience?


I do not know why i dont receive email notifications from this forum again after the site was changed. Have tried the settings but all to no avail.

I do not know why i dont receive email notifications from this forum again after the site was changed. Have tried the settings but all to no avail.

Samuelkanu, not exactly sure either, but do know they are working hard to fix the issues going on now.