Indicators with alerts/signal - page 542

hello mladen&mr tools

I am new in forex.i payed 1000$ for trade in forex and now in 14 days i l have lost my mony .now i have 300$ in my account.

because i have been confuse with all these indicators.i dont know when to buy or when tom sell.i tried all of them but i didnot get any results.

for example when i buy, the market goes down and when i sell it goes up.

what should i do? please help me. i want some excellent indicators that tell me(show me) exactly and correctly, when to buy or sell and when to exit the position.i traded in tf=30 and me plz.thankssss.

you are trading on the wrong time frames

the majority of indicators are far too easily faked out on lower TFs

if people want to trade on 1hr or below, it must be an extremely robust and well tested system and really best only for scalping

someone just posted a Daily method making 3000pips in few wks (although actually a wkly downtrend)

this is where you should be looking to build systems around


thanks wr1.thanks lot. would u plz guide me more and more?


thanks mladen



this is the picture of the method - unfortunately the indis are in the elite section, they likely can be purchased

but it can be replicated with alot of other indis

mainly a ribbon type indi you can find on this site and around the net

i did similar in less than an hr last night - although not quite finished yet and will need a good few more hrs

you can use trend bars instead of the indis on the bottom for the Main Daily and wkly up or downtrends and then likely entry's either on the 4hr or Daily charts

bare in mind as the pips gained are more the stops also have to be more, due to retracements before some re-falls

but the wkly and daily charts are really the way to go - and is said most real pros only use daily charts and above

and 1hr sometimes for the exact re-entrys - but then you need the 1hr also well set up so not to fakeout too much

spend a few weeks or more testing and setting up and after a while you should be able to get some nice trades

also see the original posts

where there is also a template of this exact method (if you buy the indis) and no i don't work here selling indis!

thanks should go to the original poster

1.png  87 kb

Thanks a lot Mrtools


Hi Mladen / MrTools - I have the attached indicator in my library and (a) the arrow appears only after several sessions/bars have passed, meaning the entry would inturn be late based on the original signal and (b) the indicator does not have a window alert. I request you kind input on both these issues and more importantly can the arrow be displayed (mtf) on the close of the bar it is writing on in real time - not some bars later? Thank you.

gold999d1.mq4  3 kb
Hi Mladen / MrTools - I have the attached indicator in my library and (a) the arrow appears only after several sessions/bars have passed, meaning the entry would inturn be late based on the original signal and (b) the indicator does not have a window alert. I request you kind input on both these issues and more importantly can the arrow be displayed (mtf) on the close of the bar it is writing on in real time - not some bars later? Thank you.

Do you have the original source code of it (not a decompiled code)?


Hi Mladen - thank you for your prompt response. I do not have the knowledge to answer you I will attach what I have. Both of these seem to do the same thing but have been named differently.

Hi Mladen / MrTools - I have the attached indicator in my library and (a) the arrow appears only after several sessions/bars have passed, meaning the entry would inturn be late based on the original signal and (b) the indicator does not have a window alert. I request you kind input on both these issues and more importantly can the arrow be displayed (mtf) on the close of the bar it is writing on in real time - not some bars later? Thank you.

Kduncan, try here


Thanks Mr. Tools, will do.