Need help indentifying indicator - page 157


Oh my apology, it seems to be taken quite far away from what I intended. I was just confused why you said it made your day when talking about the heiken ashi being programmed by mywid's wife. Purely curious question is all.


Please read my post again. And please read all my posts (I always use the same name wherever I am a forum member - if there is no mladen it means that I am not a member).

When did I hide behind anybody? And isn't it me that posts the code that I write (or it is someone else coding it and I am posting it is if I did it)? And a last question : what in the name of the God could I have in common with someone stealing my coding work and presenting it as "his wife's work"?

all the best
Oh my apology, it seems to be taken quite far away from what I intended. I was just confused why you said it made your day when talking about the heiken ashi being programmed by mywid's wife. Purely curious question is all.

Since I am nobodies wife, and since I am the one that coded that indicator, what else could I say : good, just continue like that "mywid". Rename, steal and lie that it was "made by your wife"? I am used to that since even some guys that called me a friend are doing exactly the same thing. And it made my day that any excuse seems better than the truth : that net became a place where if you post something in a matter of days you will see it renamed, sold and "made by my wife"-ed. But till I am able to laugh, I will laugh and statements like that (that my code was coded "by someones wife") will always make my day and make me laugh since they are ridiculous.


PS: the question addressed to me was the following : "mladen, are you somehow connected to mywid?" not about my statement that "made by my wife" statement made my day. Or am I missing something?

PPS: I do not read "his thread". Sorry, but when I saw a thread dedicated to decompiling requests (and, by now, I think that everybody already knows what do I think about decompiling and decompiled code), I stoped visiting that site. Nothing to learn there ...


Nope, you don't miss anything. It is because you said it made your day that prompted me to ask the question. Anyhow, it's a complete misunderstanding on my side, and now I know what's going on. Coding is a very precious skill, but the work can hardly be protected. Even the work of big name companies will eventually get pirated. Such is the nature of this industry. But I'm sure there are more people who appreciate your work and contribution than the pirates. I'm relatively new to TSD and I can already see your contribution and the people who appreciate them.

Since I am nobodies wife, and since I am the one that coded that indicator, what else could I say : good, just continue like that "mywid". Rename, steal and lie that it was "made by your wife"? I am used to that since even some guys that called me a friend are doing exactly the same thing. And it made my day that any excuse seems better than the truth : that net became a place where if you post something in a matter of days you will see it renamed, sold and "made by my wife"-ed. But till I am able to laugh, I will laugh and statements like that (that my code was coded "by someones wife") will always make my day and make me laugh since they are ridiculous.


PS: the question addressed to me was the following : "mladen, are you somehow connected to mywid?" not about my statement that "made by my wife" statement made my day. Or am I missing something?

PPS: I do not read "his thread". Sorry, but when I saw a thread dedicated to decompiling requests (and, by now, I think that everybody already knows what do I think about decompiling and decompiled code), I stoped visiting that site. Nothing to learn there ...
Well looking at this pic it seems it is some combination of ma's may be mtf ma's also if you look closely at this chart you will find that signals are generating 8 bars after the lines have crossed. that's what i can see in that.

this is simple repainted


Does anybody know what is the indicator from the picture :

indicator.gif  9 kb

I have the Hama jurik which was coded by Mladen and found it different as per as the screenshot as what mywid has.

Who coded it is not a matter (no argument) as there are so many expert coder in MT4 industries, if there is a similarity, just make your day as what Mladen said. As far as I know HA was originally coded by Japanese trader/coder, later improved by the Indonesian trader/coder and maybe they have make thier day when he saw Mladen and mywid's wife claimed as the original coder of the great HA, later HAMA.

For me, they just improved it..

However, maybe Mladen can make one exactly just like mywid has, hopefully.

I have the Hama jurik which was coded by Mladen and found it different as per as the screenshot as what mywid has.

Who coded it is not a matter (no argument) as there are so many expert coder in MT4 industries, if there is a similarity, just make your day as what Mladen said. As far as I know HA was originally coded by Japanese trader/coder, later improved by the Indonesian trader/coder and maybe they have make thier day when he saw Mladen and mywid's wife claimed as the original coder of the great HA, later HAMA.

However, maybe Mladen can make one exactly just like mywid has, hopefully.

A question : when and where in the hell I claimed that I coded (implied invented) the original HA (as it is described here : Candlestick chart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)? Show me one post, one sentence, one letter of a sentence where I made such a claim. Thanks for your kind words

all the best


PS: there was no Indonesian coder at all in Heiken Ashi invention. It is completely a Japanese system


that made my day. Thanks

That system seems to be made of indicators made exclusively by me up to a improved jurik smoothed heiken ashi)

A question : when and where in the hell I claimed that I coded the original HA? Show me one post, one sentence, one letter of a sentence where I made such a claim. Thanks for your kind words

Means, you guys just improved it and there are so many coder are able to code the same.

Yes you are right, HA was completely invented by the japanese, but if Im not mistaken HAMA was coded by Indonesian (sorry If Im wrong)

that made my day. Thanks

That system seems to be made of indicators made exclusively by me up to a improved jurik smoothed heiken ashi)

A question : when and where in the hell I claimed that I coded the original HA? Show me one post, one sentence, one letter of a sentence where I made such a claim. Thanks for your kind words

Means, you guys just improved it and there are so many coder are able to code the same.

Yes you are right, HA was completely invented by the japanese, but if Im not mistaken HAMA was coded by Indonesian (sorry If Im wrong)

So there I claim that I am the one that made the original HA?

This sentence : "made of indicators made exclusively by me up to a improved jurik smoothed heiken ashi" means that I claim that I made the original Heiken Ashi itself? And the "Indionesian coder" that "made" HAMA would be "sefc" (the Indonesian version of Karl Dittman and Rita Lasker)? And it wouldn't be raff1410that first posted it here : back in 2006?



PS: I am so glad that "there are so many coder are able to code the same". Then you will have no need to post things like this : since your needs for help in coding are going to be fulfilled in no time by some of the many

And now you made my night. Thanks


there is anyone here has this indicator? help share with me ..