Arbitrage/ correlation indicator


Hi all,

I want to ask for your help to find or build an indicator, or a script to do the following: let's take for example EURUSD and USDJPY. From these, i would like to construct the EUR JPY pair, by multiplying the first two.

My idea is to read from .hst files, multiply the values and then put them in the third .hst file, obtaining the EURJPY.

Open(EJ) = Open(EU)*Open(UJ)

high(EJ) = High(EU)*High(UJ)


Volume(EJ) = Volume(EU)*Volume(UJ)

Easy as that. But I cant do it. I searched for 2 days and nothing. I also have some basic programming skills, so if someone would be so nice to give me just an idea to solve the problem, I would be very grateful.

Also, I think this indicator/script would help many others since it could be used in arbitrage, correlations and others.

Of course it would be nice if i could set more than 2 pairs to work with

So if anyone has some idea, please give it to me.

Thank you very much!