Beginner seeking help


Hi there

I am attempting to use the strategy tester in Metatrader 4

I have loaded up my expert advisor and clicked on Expert Properties

I am working my way through the list of fields and changing some of their values

Everything was working fine until I came to try and enter a number with a 'decimal point'

No matter what I try I can not get the value I want into the value field

i.e. I am trying to enter 0.01 but it always comes out as 1

What am I doing wrong?


Obviously the EA parameters won't let you use less than 1, your best bet is to upload your EA and ask some kind coder to modify it for you.




Just a guess

Hi there

I am attempting to use the strategy tester in Metatrader 4

I have loaded up my expert advisor and clicked on Expert Properties

I am working my way through the list of fields and changing some of their values

Everything was working fine until I came to try and enter a number with a 'decimal point'

No matter what I try I can not get the value I want into the value field

i.e. I am trying to enter 0.01 but it always comes out as 1

What am I doing wrong?

It would be my best guess that you are trying to enter a floating point vaule into a variable that is declared as an integer. You can easily google floating point and integer it would be good for you to understand the difference.


Thank's for that but...................

the variable is defined as "double"

Thank's for that but................... the variable is defined as "double"

That would be a double interger. Just means it gets a little larger memory slice but still is an interger so that means only whole numbers.


Hi again

My reading of the documentation suggests that a double variable is a real number i.e. has has fractional part e.g. 23.467

So I come back to my original problem - I can't seem to get the decimal point recognized

Hi again

My reading of the documentation suggests that a double variable is a real number i.e. has has fractional part e.g. 23.467

So I come back to my original problem - I can't seem to get the decimal point recognized

It is a variable declared as a double integer. There is no such thing as a double variable. An integer is allowed to be a value from 0 to whatever. A double integer is twice that amouunt but needs to be a whole number. A variable needs to be declared and from what you said above it was A DOUBLE INTEGER. The type of variable you want it to be is a floating point but it isn't. This will be my last reply to this good luck!


Hi Robert

Thanks for your post

I should be referring to the variable type as 'double' as per the documentation

Your explanation is spot-on

Thank you

Hi again

My reading of the documentation suggests that a double variable is a real number i.e. has has fractional part e.g. 23.467

So I come back to my original problem - I can't seem to get the decimal point recognized

Hi H28Sailor,

An "integer" is a whole number.

A "double" is a decimal number.

Best way to learn the difference - Use Comment or Print statements in your code to display the values and see for yourself.

Also use for your code reference.

Floating-point number constants double - MQL4 Documentation

Hope this helps,


Hi H28Sailor,

An "integer" is a whole number.

A "double" is a decimal number.

Best way to learn the difference - Use Comment or Print statements in your code to display the values and see for yourself.

Also use for your code reference.

Floating-point number constants double - MQL4 Documentation

Hope this helps,


I was wrong thanks for clearing that up.


Most hanging baskets or even balcony baskets have tags on them to say what kind of exposure they need - morning sun or full sun or shade. That same tag will also say how to water it - thorough soaking and allow to dry between watering or keep evenly moist. It will also likely say something about fertilizer like once monthly.

I hope you enjoy your foray into gardening, it can be very rewarding.