Ras#:31764 - usdjpy clipper - page 3


Another Good Week !!!

First I would like to take the opportunity to thank my new subscribers who came on board this week. It was indeed another good week as we have fully recovered from the broker system glitch that occurred a few days ago. The results to date are as follows:

July - 16.70%

August - 19.01%

September - 12.72%

October T/D - 1.05%

Please see attached graph below

I will try to see if I can end October in double digits - BUT I WON'T FORCE IT- October is low because we had to rebound from a broker system issue which caused open trades to be closed at a loss.

New subscribers are indeed welcome and should you need to ask me any question about our system please feel free to email me at roehampton47@hotmail.com

Again I say, I AM NOT USING A DEMO ACCOUNT TO SEND YOU SIGNALS. I am using my live cash on a live account, so I am very prudent with these trades and I monitor them closely. So rest assured I am diligently watching over your investment.

Have a great weekend everyone and remember

All for Pips... and Pips for All

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My Subscribers Are Very Happy !!!!

Firstly I would like to thank my subscribers who have been emailing me personally expressing satisfaction with the steady growth each week.

To see the latest results please see the link below:


As I have said before the signals you are getting are coming straight from my LIVE trading account, so you can rest assured that I am very prudent with your signals as a risk to you is a risk to me. This prudent approach will always guide us in our trades.

This week was good and our account is UP even more !!

Results To Date:

July -16.70%

August - 19.01%

September - 12.79%

October T/D - 2.91%

New subscribers are always welcome




Yet again, Another Good Week!!! Steady Growth and Profits

To my valued subscribers:

We have ended this week yet again on another positive note. I would like to thank those who have emailed me privately expressing their approval in the trading approach of our sustem -yes I consider it "our system" as we are partners along with you -.

Gains To Date:

July - 16.87%

August - 19.01%

September - 12.72%

October - 2.91%

November T/D - 2.24%

As I indicated in previous posts, the low gains for October was due solely to a problem with our broker feed which resulted in some orders closing at a loss.

As usual we shall continue to be prudent with the trades and by extension, your investment.

To potential clients, you are welcome to join us as we go for the pips !!!

Please see link below from RAS for the results to date.

USDJPY CLIPPER | Rent a Signal




Yet again...Another good week !!!!

As promised we have been experience steady growth with prudent cash management and our subscribers are happy.

Our account is up 5.22% for November already. Again, thanks for the emails I have been getting from my subscribers regarding the steady growth and prudent equity management.

Results To Date:

July - Up 16.70%

August - Up 19.01%

September - Up 12.72%

October - Up 2.91%

November To Date - Up 5.22%

We hope for another steady good week.


See results on RAS link below

USDJPY CLIPPER | Rent a Signal


A reasonably good week.!!!

The market was slow for a few days this week however we managed to still end up with a few good pips.

Results To Date:

July -16.70% gains

August - 19.01% gains

September - 12.72% gains

October - 2.91% gains

November To Date : - 7.20% gains

See link below fo results:


To my current subscribers:

I am finalising some more strategies that will make our EA more resilient so stay tuned.

New subscribers are always welcome, and remember we will continuer to be prudent with our trades.

To our new subscriber "JCB" that came on board this week but had a little difficulty getting the RAS signals. I trust that all is now OK and you are now receiving your signals. We hope we were able to help you get straightened out.


A quiet week - but good nontheless !!

To my subscribers:

We have ended another week which although was a bit quiet (as there was a banking holiday in Japan) things went pretty well for us.

I would like to thank my subscribers who contacted me personally this week and commented on the steady growth.

Our committment to you is that we shall continue to be prudent with your trades

Please see results to date in the appended graph or simply go to the following link:

USDJPY CLIPPER | Rent a Signal

New subscribers are always welcome!!

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Yet another good Week. December looking good so far

To all my subscribers:

December is not looking badly at all, and this within the context that we expect to see a slowing down in the markets soon.

Please see monthly results in graph below.

As indicated in previous posts....New Subscribers Are Always Welcome!!

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Another good week !!!

To my valued subscribers:

Last week was another good week and our position for December looks good so far.

Attached is a graph showing the monthly results.

Again we would like to use the opportunity to thank all our subscribers and to state that we will continue to be prudent with your investment and we appreciate your faith in our system.

New subscribers are always welcome !!!

Please see results below or visit the following RAS link:

USDJPY CLIPPER | Rent a Signal

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Yet again another good week !!!

To my valued subscribers, we have had another good week heading into Christmas.

Every month so far has been profitable and as I have said before we are committed to being very prudent with your investments.Your signals are coming from our LIVE accounts. We do NOT use demo accounts so you can rest assured that we also have our personal investments at risk just like yours.

Please see results below or visit the following link:

USDJPY CLIPPER | Rent a Signal

New Subscribers Are Always Welcome !!!

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Again Another Good Week !!!!

To my valued Subscribers !!!

We have had a good year and just like you I am looking forward to 2011.

Results as at last week are as follows:

July- 16.70%

August - 19.01

September - 12.72%

October - 2.91%

November - 9.57%

December T/D: - 7.76%

Again we use the opportunity to reassure you our subscribers that we will continue to be prudent with your investments and we trust that 2011 will be a good year for us all.

Have a great week and remember...New sbscribers are always welcome!!