Need an indicator for MT5 - page 7

Actually, the indicator.

You mean something like this :


Hi sebastianK,

You can check the JOBS tab on the MQL site and see some price ranges for the different jobs already done and new jobs pending...

Looks like the jobs range from basic indicators at $15-$ complex EA's from $20-$200.

The most important advice is to make sure your list of requirements are clear and very specific to minimize any misunderstanding and help the job get done faster.

Hope this helps you,


Hi sebastianK,

You can check the JOBS tab on the MQL site and see some price ranges for the different jobs already done and new jobs pending...

Looks like the jobs range from basic indicators at $15-$ complex EA's from $20-$200.

The most important advice is to make sure your list of requirements are clear and very specific to minimize any misunderstanding and help the job get done faster.

Hope this helps you,



Thank you

Then why are people asking it for free? For example they are not going to get a single custom coded indicator coded free at mql site. A lot of times they are not going to get helped either. So what is the point of asking free metatrader 5 custom coding when nobody does it for free? I can understand when someone asks for adjustments or some additions or coding help, but asking for something to be made from the beginning to the end ... strange

Just my 5 cents


Here is an answer that is posted at mql site over and over - so much about mql help :

Why ruining a few sites that are still willing to help ?

slaves.gif  11 kb

Hi sebastianK,

You asked:

"How much does an average coding of a metatrader 5 indicator at mql site cost?"...

You did not ask about "free" coding...which you can get great help here on Forex-TSD...

And yes...if your ask for "free" on that MQL site...that's the rude and abrupt reply you will receive.

But asked about "costs" I suggested the JOBS tab to see some "costs" just like you asked for...

Hope this helps you,




TSD was and never will be like mql. This was and is a place where helping each other (if possible and if it is within reasonable bounds) was a priority. So please, let the mql do what they do, and TSD will do what it does. No need for disputes over two completely different things.

@Robert : thank you for your kind support. Really appreciate it

@sebastiank : it is simply a matter of decision who does what. mql decided they will do what they do. So be it.


I never ever again landed on mql, when I start fancy indicators, I was a fundamental with just some basic indis, was how I was teach, and I found myself there. The first time I ask something similar, not even nothing new, I got a very bad replay too, the funny is that I was willing to pay for indicator, a simple replay with the price and would be a deal but no, maybe it was a isolated situation from someone very disturbed and a bad trading day but it reflected very well the air you breath there...

honestly and is not just a question of money... best coders are here, as after that I keep searching on google for what I was looking for and I found it here, this it was how I found TSD, made my presentation and indicator was ready to download right way....

Just a big thank you to the coders here for being such a great great persons and always ready to help...

I have silently digging this forum every single day to some years back and the knowledge one can achieve here is something you don't get anywhere else, karma will be one of the best for you!

sorry off topic...and this was just my 2 pences, (UK here )




Guys, sorry

I did not have bad intentions. Trolling is spread so much that sometimes it is too much and seeing what is done on mql simply is not OK


It does not matter too much (the trolling)

It was always like that. The problem is that obviously the number of traders is smaller and smaller each day and with these mq changes it is in a dying phase (not even demo traders left)



Thank you. It's similar to what I want it's just that I will like an indicator that can do that or better still an MQL5 code. Once again thanks.

You mean something like this :