UWC Currency - page 9



After the comments of Jean-Claude Trichet (the President of European Central Bank) who spoke about the economy perspective and monetary policy, the USD recovered against the Euro due to the fact that Jen-Claude Trichet approved of the government bonds acquisition by Central Bank. The Central Bank is willing to buy bonds from some weak euro-zone countries.

During the Asian session the oil contracts were lower because of the little USD recovery. Therefore the oil futures were quoted $0.50 less before European session has been started.

Also as a reaction on the US dollar recovery, today the main metals quoted on downside especially during the first sessions. And market is waiting for the upcoming economic data to choose the direction.



The Euro/Usd regains and starts to renew its uptrend.

The prices of the oil contracts increased today.

Because of the Chinese rate which has been increased increased the gold traded at higher levels today during the European session.

Yesterday the USD rose slightly against the Yen but then the pair was not be able to fix its gains and today it moves to the low levels again.



The G-20 of finance ministers met to discuss the perspectives of exchange rates regulation.

Today the oil is steady supported by unstable dollar because of the G-20 meeting. It was during the time of G-20 meeting expectations.

In general today all market is under fluctuation.

The interest of safe-haven currencies is increasing.



The Fed is willing to renew its program of the US Treasury bond-purchasing which can help to reduce long-dated interest rates. On basis of the quantitative easing policy the authorities want to stimulate the economic recovery. They plan to mobilize investments in the amount of hundreds billion dollars.

According to this Fed news, during the Asian trading today, the US dollar was on its uptrend. Therefore the USD regained against the YEN and increased.

The EURO continues to follow its downside. Today the pair fell below 1.3800 level because the high session has been declined by the pair and Euro/USD came back to its support area.

The oil prices are fixing around $82-$83 values and as a commodity which is denominated in US dollars the oil depends on this currency. And due to the USD consolidation today, the oil remains at the same level without big changes.



Today investors are waiting for US gross domestic product (GDP)data and the Federal Reserve meeting regarding a new session of QE (quantitative easing) measures.

Due to these expectations the US dollar rose during the European session because the US GDP is anticipated to rise in the third quarter of 2010.

Today also the annual inflation rate became known in Europe and it was not good figures because the inflation increased and reached the high levels.

The Euro dropped against the USD today based on the mentioned above economic events and the currency was moving from its high to the new session low.

The oil keeps on its downside and it’s still below the level of $82. Together with the oil the main metals traded lower today getting under the influence of market expectations regarding the new US FOMC meeting which will take place next week.