UWC Currency - page 7



Today during the Asian session the USD was down against its principal competitors.

The general situation on markets remains same because of the first Japanese Bank intervention. And it will not be changed while all traders are waiting for the next intervention.

The US Secretary Geithner criticizes China and claims higher Yuan.

Currency turbulence continues while US-China trade war lurks.

Gold and silver skyrocket: Euro/USD reaches 1.31.

The oil stays on $75: before the European session hours the crude oil contracts traded on higher level than usually.



The US stocks dropped today because of the weak employment figures which confirm that US job market is not in a good condition. The number of claims for unemployment benefits increased.

Today the Oil prices are lower than yesterday. And this decrease depends on the weak euro which fell after the data of purchasing managers indexes have been released.

Regardless of negative unemployment figures in US, the GBP/USD is still under 1.5700.

Jean-Claude Trichet mentions that European Central Bank is ready to take all necessary and unconventional measures in order to avoid the double dip recession.



There were not official Japanese government actions but nevertheless the USD increased against the YEN based on the market rumors about the next intervention.

The Gold is following its uptrend and reaches a new high record. The unclear US economic recovery supports the rise of the gold prices.

The CEPR (Centre of Economic Policy Research) announces that the European economy loses its growth in September and EuroCoin indicator confirms this fact. The indicator fell from 0, 37% in August to 0,34% in September.

The Euro recovers its positions of yesterday but the fear of the weak euro zone economy still remains on market.



The USD increased against the YEN on rumours and fear about a new government intervention.

During the Asian session today the EURO decreased against the USD and YEN after profit fixing on the EURO growth at the end of last week.

The Bank of Japan announced that the Central Bank is ready to take further measures for the Japanese economic recovery.

The GBP/USD hits a new high and confirms its uptrend.

The oil starts a new week by strengthening during the Asian and European sessions.



The Euro is under pressure because new fear on the European economy situation appeared on the markets. Therefore in the morning the EUR/USD pair dropped but then during the day went up to test a new resistance area. And if the EUR/USD can pass this resistance the next mark for the pair will be 1.3600.

The gold prices are decreasing slowly as a result of the Euro weakening.

The oil contracts today were traded at lower level above $76 per barrel.

The GBP/USD in a short space of time dropped from $1.5850 to the fresh low near the area of 1.5774 due to the weak statistic data from the Bank of England.



In the morning the US stocks were lower than on Tuesday and markets are waiting for new comments from FED. The USD is under pressure based on concerns that Federal Reserve will ease the US monetary policy.

The USD dropped against its principal competitors as a result of waiting for new weak statistic figures from the Federal Reserve. Also the dollar reaches a new low level against the YEN.

The gold traded lower today and it had an influence on the Euro rate.

The central banks of other countries such as Thailand and Singapore are willing to step in markets as it has been already done by Japanese authorities.

During the Asian session today the crude oil contracts were a little higher and supported by strong economic indicators of Asian countries.