RAS Signal - LiveTrading - page 2



Hi all,

Please refer to the first post for updates on this signal. The forex side continues to hold it's own.

For those wanting to join, please wait till open forex trades are closed in order to ensure you get the best possible start. In addition, please also set your RAS EA's to trade only the forex signals, not ALL signals, because the futures trades have not been doing well.

Thanks for following and enjoy the pips!




Hi all,

There's another update on the first post. I also attached an updated spreadsheet of all FOREX trades (Futures trades not included) for your evaluation. I found some futures trades that I had missed removing from the previous spreadsheet so the FOREX profit shown is now pure FX.

For those wanting to join, please wait till open forex trades are closed in order to ensure you get the best possible start. In addition, please also set your RAS EA's to trade only the forex signals, not ALL signals, because the futures trades have not been doing well.

Thanks for following and enjoy the pips!



Signal discontinued

Hi all,

This signal is discontinued as from 1 July, 2010.

This signal was a mixed forex and futures, oil and gold signal.

It has been replace by a forex only signal - LiveTrading-FX (ID: 31706)

Enjoy the pips!
